author = {Mathieu Seraphim and Alexis Lechervy and Florian Yger and Luc Brun and Olivier Etard}, title = {Structure preserving transformers for sequences of SPD matrices}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2024}, year = 2024, pages = {1451-1455}, month = {August}, address = {Lyon, France}, organization = {EURASIP}, url = "Eurasip:=https://eurasip.org/Proceedings/Eusipco/Eusipco2024/pdfs/0001451.pdf, HAL:=https://hal.science/hal-04638595", theme = "pattern", abstract ="In recent years, Transformer-based auto-attention mechanisms have been successfully applied to the analysis of a variety of context-reliant data types, from texts to images and beyond, including data from non-Euclidean geometries. In this paper, we present such a mechanism, designed to classify se- quences of Symmetric Positive Definite matrices while preserving their Riemannian geometry throughout the analysis. We apply our method to automatic sleep staging on timeseries of EEG- derived covariance matrices from a standard dataset, obtaining high levels of stage-wise performance."