TITLE = {{A Quadratic Assignment Formulation of the Graph Edit Distance}}, AUTHOR = {Bougleux, S{'e}bastien and Brun, Luc and Carletti, Vincenzo and Foggia, Pasquale and Ga{"u}z{`e}re, Benoit and Vento, Mario}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {{Normandie Universit{'e} ; GREYC CNRS UMR 6072 ; LITIS}}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Dec, KEYWORDS = { Relaxation methods ; Structural pattern recognition ; Graph edit distance ; Edit paths ; Quadratic assignment problem ; Combinatorial optimization}, url = {PDF:= https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01246709/file/technical_report_ged.pdf, HAL:=https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01246709,arXiv:=https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.07494}, HAL_ID = {hal-01246709}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, theme="pattern,ged"