@InProceedings{ Colantoni98,author = {P. Colantoni and A. Trémeau and B. Laget}, title = {Comparison of color median filters}, booktitle = {Int. Symposium on Electronic Image Capture and Publishing}, volume = {3409}, publisher = {SPIE and IS & T}, year = {1998}, pages = {186--195}, address = {Zurich}, month = may, theme = {filtrage,comparaison}}
@PHDTHESIS{Colantoni98,author = {P. Colantoni}, month = {Novembre}, year = 1998, title = {Contribution des structures de donn{'e}es {`a} la segmentation d'images couleur - {'E}laboration d'un outil d'infographie textile}, school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne}, type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat}, theme = {segmentation+graphe+application}}