@inproceedings{Tremeau00,author ={A. Tr{'e}meau}, title ={Color contrast parameters for analysing image differences}, booktitle ={Proc. of the Univ. of Derby Color Image Science 2000 Conference}, year ={2000}, month ={Apr.}, address ={Derby}, editor ={Colour and I. Institute}, pages ={11-23}, theme = {compression,analyse,attributs,ecarts}}
@Article{ Tremeau00,author = {A. Trémeau and C. Charrier}, title = {Influence of chromatic changes on perception of color image quality}, journal = {Color Research and Application}, year = {2000}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, pages = {200--213}, month = {june}, theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,scene,apparence,qualite,analyse,attributs,comparaison}}