@InProceedings{	  Tremeau93,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and M. Calonnier and B. Laget}, title = {Evaluation of color quantization errors}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Int. Display Research Conf.}, volume = {{VIQ}-p5}, year = {1993}, organization = {SID}, address = {Strasbourg}, month = sep, pages = {423--426}, note = {EuroDisplay'93}, theme = {compression,quantification,qualite,ecarts}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau93,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and M. Calonnier and B. Laget}, title = {Uniformisation num{'e}rique de l'espace couleur {L*a*b*} {`a} partir du mod{`e}le elliptique de {MacAdam}}, booktitle = {XXV{`e}me journ{'e}es de statistique}, year = {1993}, organization = {SSF, ASU}, address = {Vannes}, month = may, pages = {154--157}, theme = {espacescouleur,ecarts,systemesperceptuels}