@InProceedings{	  Tremeau95,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and V. Pugnet and {'E}. Dinet and B. Laget}, title = {A local color correlation measure for color image comparison}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Color Imaging Conference}, year = {1995}, organization = {IS&T/SID}, month = nov, address = {Scottdale}, pages = {119--122}, theme = {analyse,attributs}
@Article{	  Tremeau95,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget}, title = {Quantification couleur et analyse d'image}, journal = {Traitement du Signal}, year = {1995}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {1--29}, note = {GRETSI} theme = {compression,quantification,qualite,analyse,histogramme,attrubuts}