One implementation of Combinatorial Pyramids in C

last update : 25 March 2003
Developers : Luc Brun, Antoine Jonquet

Steps to follow to try the software:

  1. get the archive here
  2. uncompress it
  3. go to Export directory and type ./INSTALL
The headers and the source files respectively contained in Export/include and Export/lib correspond to the core library. The source files placed directly in the directory Export are application dependant they mainly :
  1. store and update values in vertices and darts
  2. provide criterions to reduce the graphs
These files should be modified to adapt the software to a particular application.

One implementation of Combinatorial Pyramids in C++

last update : 17 May 2006
Developer :Antoine Jonquet supervised by Luc Brun

  1. The source code
  2. The documentation ps format
  3. The documentation on line
  4. A man page of the software used as example
Steps to follow to try the software:
  1. uncompress the archive : unzip
  2. go to directory WATERSHEDS : cd WATERSHEDS
  3. run make in Basic_types and Image directory
  4. run make in the main directory
  5. try a segmentation with ./pyramid .5 image.ppm

Luc Brun