Menu of descartes
- Fichier (File)
- Ouvrir (open)
- Image : Open an image
- Segmentation : Load a segmentation previously saved of the image
- Importer (import): Import a segmentation from an array of label (all pixels of a same region must have a same color, the file format is ppm).
- Exporter (export) : Export a segmenation as an array of label
- Sauver (save) : save a segmentation
- Quitter (quit) : Exit from Descartes
- Zoom
Perform a zoom on the selected region. The boundary
of the region may be displayed using either inter pixel boundaries
or the Euclidean Path of Anne Vialard. This last type of path
associate a point with real coordinates to each inter pixel
boundary point. The global effect is to smooth the path.
- Selection
- Region:
Set the selection mode to region (default value). Any click within
the image will select the region whose boundary is located on the
right of the clicked point.
- Segment:
Set the selection mode to segment. Any click within the image will
select the segment located on the right of the clicked point. This
last feature is usefull to merge regions along specific boundaries
or to remove unwanted segments.
- Region englobante (Including region) : Select the region including the region currently selected
- Edition (Edit)
- Lissage (smoothing)
Smooth the bondary of the selected region. This is roughtly
equivalent to an closure of the binary shape of the region.
- suppression details (remove details)
remove all regions included in the selected region and whose size is lower than a threshold.
- suppression tous les details (remove all details)
remove all regions whose size is lower than a threshold.
- suppression regions incluses (remove included regions)
remove all regions included in the selected region. Note that this
command does not remove regions included in a region which is
included in the current region. In other words the removal is not
recursive and several applications may be required to remove all
included regions.
- Modifications élémentaires (Basic modifications)
- Decoupes elementaires
- Quantification avec CAG
Clustering based on a bottom up
quantization algorithm.
- segmentation region homogenes (split of homogeneous
Split the region by considering that all pixels
beyong a given distance to the mean color of the region must
belong to new regions
- segmentation region homogenes (distribution gaussiène) (split
of homogeneous regions with gaussian distribution)
Split the region by considering that all pixels beyong a given
distance to the mean color of the region must belong to new
regions. The distance is computed using a statistical test where
the histogram of the region is considered as unimodal with some
- supprime selection (remove selection)
remove the
selected object (either a region or a segment). Take care to the
fact that the removal of one region implies to removal of all its
boundaries which are shared by neighboring regions. All regions
adjacent to the removed region will thus be merged into a single one.
- Segmentation
- Split merge
Perform a split operation (using a
clustering algorithm) followed by a merge of the resulting
- Split merge recursif
Apply recursively the split and
merge operation. The selected region at each step is the less
homogeneous one. The process stop when the ration between the
squared error of all the generated regions and the one of the
original one is bellow a given threshold.