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El Rhabi, Youssef, Simon, Loic & Brun, Luc. 2015 ( Jun ). Estimation de la pose d'une camera a partir d'un flux video en s'approchant du temps reel . Journees francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur , Amiens, France .
bibtex ,url.

Assemlal, Haz-Edine, Tschumperle, David, Brun, Luc & Siddiqi, Kaleem. 2011 . Recent advances in diffusion MRI modeling: Angular and radial reconstruction . Medical image analysis , 15 ( 4 ), 369-396 .
abstract , bibtex ,pdf.

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperl'e, David & Brun, Luc. 2009 ( September ). Estimation de caractéristiques quelconques de la PDF à partir d'un signal IRM de diffusion . GRETSI , Dijon,France .
bibtex .

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperl'e, David & Brun, Luc. 2009 ( September ). Evaluation of q-Space Sampling Strategies for the Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging . MICCAI , London/England .
abstract , bibtex .

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperl'e, David & Brun, Luc. 2008 ( September ). Robust Variational Estimation of PDF functions from Diffusion MR Signal. CDMRI , New York/USA .
abstract , bibtex ,HAL, pdf, Presentation.

Assemlal, Haz-Edine, Tschumperle, David & Brun, Luc. 2008 Efficient Computation of PDF-Based Characteristics from Diffusion MR Signal . Pages: 70--78 of: MICCAI '08: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Part II Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag .
abstract , bibtex ,pdf, Slides.

Tschumperle, D. & Brun, L.. 2008 Image Denoising and Registration by PDE's on the Space of Patches . International Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing (LNLA'08) , Lausanne .
bibtex ,HAL, pdf.

Tschumperle, D. & Brun, L.. 2008 . Defining Some Variational Methods on the Space of Patches : Application to Multi-Valued Image Denoising and Registration . Tech. rept. 08/01 . GREYC .
bibtex .

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperle, David & Brun, Luc. 2007 ( April ) . A Variational Framework for the Robust Estimation of ODFs From High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images. . Tech. rept. 07-01 . GREYC .
bibtex ,pdf.

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperle, David & Brun, Luc. 2007 ( September ). Fiber Tracking on HARDI Data Using Robust ODF Fields. ICIP'2007, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Antonio/USA .
abstract , bibtex ,HAL, pdf, ps, presentation.

Assemlal, H-E., Tschumperle, David & Brun, Luc. 2007 ( September ). Estimation variationnelle robuste de modeles complexes de diffusion en IRM a haute resolution angulaire et tractographie. GRETSI'2007 , Troyes/France .
abstract , bibtex ,HAL, pdf, presentation.