Topological data structures for image processing
author = {Luc Brun},
title = {Traitement d'images couleur et pyramides combinatoires},
school = {Universit{'e} de Reims},
year = 2002,
theme = {topologie,hierarchical,couleur,quantification,inversion},
type = {Habilitation {`a} diriger des recherches},
abstract = "We describe in this thesis three key steps of image
processing algorithms. We first study the reflexion models which
describe the image formation process. These models are used to
obtain a segmentation of the image into materials and to reconstruct
the surface of some of the regions previously segmented. The
materials studded for the reconstruction stage are metallic ones.
We also study quantization and inverse colormap operations. These
operations are used to display an image onto low cost
terminals. Such processes may also be applied into the image
compression or image segmentation framework. We finally describe a
new hierarchical model based on a topological representation of an
image partition. The model named Combinatorial Pyramid is the only
hierarchical model currently developed which allows to encode all
the topological information.",
url= {pdf:=,ps.gz:=}
author = {Luc {B}run and Myriam Mokhtari},
title = {Graph Based Representations in Different Application Domains},
booktitle = {$3^{rd}$ IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
pages = {115-124},
year = 2001,
theme = {topologie},
editor = {{J}olion, Jean Michel and Walter Kropatsch and Mario Vento},
address = {Ischia Italy},
month = {May},
organization = {IAPR-TC15},
publisher = {CUEN},
theme = {hierarchical},
url = {slides:=},
abstract = " The design of a graph based application is often
dependent of the data structure used to encode the
graph. Several papers submitted to GbR'2001 face to
close problems with different graph data
structures. Some other papers use a same data
structure but different strategies to solve a
similar problem. The aim of this counter-paper is
to point out possible interactions between these
methods. To this end, we will review some graph
data structures often used in image analysis and
illustrate each data structure by some
note = "Invited conference",