Bibtex entries of the GFINC bibliography database

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author = {P. Bas},
month = {Octobre},
year = 2000,
title = {M{'e}thodes de tatouage fond{'e}es sur le contenu},
address = {Grenoble},
school = {LIS}},
theme = {analyse},
soustheme = {watermark}
author = {V. Bedat},
year = 1998,
title = {Aspect psychovisuels de la perception des couleurs : application
au codage d'images couleur fixes avec compression de l'information},
school = {IRESTE - Universit{'e} de Nantes},
theme = {analyse,codage,systemesperceptuels,vision}
author = {A.D. Bimbo and M. Mugnaini and P. Pala and F. Turco},
month = {December},
year = 1997,
title = {PICASSO : Visual querying by color perceptive regions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Visual
Information Systems},
pages = {125-131},
address = {San Diego, CA},
theme = {analyse,region,requete}
author = {A.D. Bimbo and P. Pala},
year = 1998,
title = {Visual Querying by color perceptive regions},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 31,
number = 9,
pages = {1241-1253},
theme = {analyse,region,requete}
@Article{	  Binaghi94,
author = {E. Binaghi and I. Gagliardi and R. Schettini},
title = {Image retrieval using fuzzy evaluation of color
journal = {Int. Journal of Pattern Rec. and Artificial Int.},
year = {1994},
volume = {8},
number = {4},
pages = {945--968},
theme = {analyse},
soustheme = {fuzzy,similarite,requete}
author = {T. Caelli and D. Reye},
year = 1993,
title = {On the classification of image regions by colour texture and
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 26,
number = 4,
pages = {461-470},
theme = {analyse,texture,multiresolution,scalaire}
author = {P. Carr'{e} and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title = {A multi-scale edge representation for color images
based on wavelet maxima decomposition},
booktitle = {CGIP'2000},
year = {2000},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
month = "1--4~" # oct,
theme = {analyse,frequence,multiresolution,contour}
author = {L. Cinque and S. Levialdi and A. Pellicano},
year = 1999,
title = {Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Spatial-Chromatic Histograms},
journal = {IEEE Multimedia Systems},
volume = {II},
pages = {969-973},
theme = {analyse,histogramme}
author = {S.T. Fathima},
month = {Janvier},
year = 1992,
title = {Data and model-driven selection using color regions},
booktitle = {Image understanding Workshop},
pages = {705-716},
address = {San Diego (CA)},
theme = {analyse,region}
@InProceedings{	  Favier98,
author = {{'E}. Favier and {'E}. Dinet and A. Tr{'e}meau},
title = {Colour Image comparison and visual perception : a process
for descriptor validation},
booktitle = {Int. Symposium on Electronic Image Capture and
volume = {3409},
publisher = {SPIE and IS & T},
year = {1998},
address = {Zurich},
month = may,
pages = {64--73},
theme = {analyse,comparaison,attributs,vision,perception}
author = {B. Funt and G. Finlayson},
year = 1995,
title = {Color Constant Color Indexing},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 17,
number = 5,
pages = {522-529},
theme = {analyse,invariants}
author = {J. Hafner and H.S. Sawhney and W. Equitz},
month = {July},
year = 1995,
title = {Efficient Color Histogram Indexing for Quadratic Form Distance
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 17,
number = 7,
pages = {729-736},
theme = {analyse,similarite,histogramme,ecarts}
author = {M. Hauta-Kasari and J. Parkkinen and T. Jaaskelainen and R. Lenz},
year = 1996,
title = {Generalized co-occurrence matrix for multispectral texture analysis},
booktitle = {the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
address="Vienna, Austria",
volume= 2,
pages = {785-789},
url = "",
theme = {analyse,texture,vectoriel,similarite,histogramme}
author = "Jing Huang and S. Ravi Kumar and Mandar Mitra and Wei-Jing Zhu",
title = "Spatial Color Indexing and Applications",
booktitle = {Proceedings of ICCV},
pages = "602-607",
year = "1998",
url = "" ,
theme = {analyse,similarite}
author = {J. Huang and S. Kumar and M. Mitra and W. Zhu and R. Zabih},
month = {June},
year = 1997,
title = {{Image indexing using color correlograms}},
booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference},
address = {San Juan, Puerto Rico},
url = "",
theme = {analyse,attributs}
author = {J. Huang and R. Zabih},
month = {September},
year = 1998,
title = {Combining Color and Spatial Information for Content-based Image
booktitle = {European Conference on Digital Libraries},
publisher = {(web processing only)},
theme = {analyse,signatures,attributs,histogramme,similarite}
author = {A. Inoue and J. Tajima},
year = 1994,
title = {Adaptive quality improvement method for color images},
booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings},
volume = 2179,
pages = {429-439},
theme = {analyse,qualite,filtrage,rehausseur}
author = {A. Jain and A. Vailaya},
year = 1996,
title = {Image retrieval using color and shape},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 29,
number = 8,
theme = {analyse,requete}
@Article{	  Kankanhalli96,
author = {M. S. Kankanhalli and B. M. Mehtre and J. K. Wu},
title = {Cluster-based color matching for image retrieval},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
year = {1996},
volume = {29},
pages = {701--708},
theme = {analyse,attributs,requete}
author = {J. V. Kittler and R. Marik and M. Mirmehdi and M. Petrou and J. Song},
year = 1994,
title = {{Detection of defects in colour texture surfaces}},
booktitle = {IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Application},
pages = {558-567},
address = {Tokyo,Japan},
theme = {analyse,texture,frequentiel}
@InProceedings{	  Konik95,
author = {H. Konik and A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget},
title = {Multiresolution color image analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1995},
organization = {IS&T/SID},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale},
pages = {82--85},
theme = {analyse,multiresolution}
author = {M.-C. Larabi and N. Richard and O. Colot and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
month = {Janvier},
year = 2002,
title = {Object Oriented Query Based on Belief Fusion: Application to
Dermatological Databases},
booktitle = {IS&T SPIE Storage and retrieval for Media Databases},
volume = 4676,
pages = {106-115},
address = {San Jose (USA)},
theme = {analyse,similarite,attributs}
@InProceedings{	  Longere98,
author = {P. Long{`e}re and A. Tr{'e}meau},
title = {Color appearance : effects of texture and relief},
booktitle = {Int. Symposium on Electronic Image Capture and
volume = {3409},
publisher = {SPIE and IS & T},
year = {1998},
address = {Zurich},
month = may,
pages = {89--97},
theme = {analyse,texture,vision,scene,apparence}
@InProceedings{  Longere00,
author = {P. Long{`e}re and B. Froger and A. Tr{'e}meau},
title = {Image parameters for surface aspect description},
booktitle = {International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing},
pages = {18--24},
year = {2000},
editor = {Cepadues},
month = {october},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
note = {CGIP'2000},
type-proc = {cong},
theme = {analyse,texture,vision,scene,apparence}
author = {E. Marzalec and M. Pietikainen},
year = 1996,
title = {Some aspects of rgb vision and its applications in industry},
journal = {Int. Journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence},
volume = 10,
number = 1,
pages = {55-72},
theme = {analyse,application}
author = {J. Matas and al},
month = {Juin},
year = 1995,
title = {On representation and matching of multi-coloured objects},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
pages = {762-732},
address = {Cambridge},
theme = {analyse,graphe,attributs,invariants}
author = {J. Matas and D. Koubaroulis and J. Kittler},
month = {F{'e}vrier},
year = 2000,
title = {Performance Evaluation of the multi-modal Neighbourhood signature
method for colour object recognition},
booktitle = {Czesh pattern recognition workshop},
pages = {27-34},
address = {Perslac, Czesh republic},
theme = {analyse,similarite,histogramme}
author = {J. Matas and D. Koubaroulis and J. Kittler},
month = {June},
year = 2000,
title = {Colour image retrieval and object recognition using the multimodal
neighbourhood signature},
booktitle = {ECCV},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
theme = {analyse,similarite,invariants}
@Article{	  Mehtre95,
author = {B. M. Mehtre and M. S. Kankanhalli and A. D. Narasimhalu
and G. C. Man},
title = {Color matching for image retrieval},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1995},
volume = {16},
month = mar,
pages = {325--331},
theme = {analyse,similarite,requete}
author = {P. Montesinos and V. Gouet and R. Deriche},
month = {Ao{^u}t},
year = 1998,
title = {Differential invariants for color images},
booktitle = {International conference on pattern recognition},
address = {brisbane-Australie},
theme = {analyse,similarite,EDP,invariants}
author = {S. K. Nayar and R.M. Bolle},
year = 1993,
title = {Computing reflectance ratios from an image},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 26,
pages = {1529--1542},
number = 10,
theme = {analyse,scene}
author = {S. Nayar and R. Bolle},
year = 1996,
title = {Reflectance based object recognition},
journal = {International journal of computer vision},
volume = {17(3)},
pages = {219-240},
theme = {analyse,similarite,invariants,region}
@Article{	  Nayatani90,
author = {M. D. Nayatani},
title = {Color appearance model and chromatic adaptation
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1990},
volume = {15},
pages = {210--221},
theme = {vision,apparence,scene,espacesperceptuels}
author = {W. Niblack and R. Barber and Al.},
month = {February},
year = 1993,
title = {The QBIC project: Queying images by content using color, texture
and shape},
booktitle = "IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology,
in Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Database",
Volume= 1908,
theme = {analyse,texture,requete}
author = {D.K. Panjwani and G. Healey},
title = {Markov random field models for unsupervised segmentation of textured color images},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
year = {1995},
volume = {17},
number = {10},
pages = {939-954},
month = {October},
theme = {analyse,texture},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {In Kyu Park and al},
year = 1999,
title = {Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation},
journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
volume = 17,
pages = {465-474},
theme = {analyse,graphe,filtrage}
author = {G. Pass and R. Zabih and J. Miller},
year = 1996,
title = {Comparing images using colour coherence vectors},
journal = {ACM conference on Multimedia, Boston},
theme = {analyse,region}
@Article{	  Resnikoff74,
author = {H. L. Resnikoff},
title = {Differential Geometry and Color Perception},
journal = {Journal of Mathematical Biology},
year = {1974},
pages = {97--131},
note = {Springer Verlag},
theme = {vision,perception,trivariance,ecarts,primaires}
@Article{	  Rodriguez95,
author = {J. J. Rodriguez and C. Yang},
title = {High-Resolution histogram modification of color images},
journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing},
year = {1995},
volume = {57},
number = {5},
month = sep,
pages = {432--440},
theme = {analyse,histogramme}
@Article{	  Romero92,
author = {J. Romero and L. J. Delbarco and E. Hita},
title = {Mathematical reconstruction of color-matching functions},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1992},
volume = {9},
number = {1},
month = jan,
pages = {25--29},
theme = {vision,trivariance,primaires}
@Article{	  Saber96,
author = {E. Saber and A. M. Tekalp and R. Eschbach and K. Knox},
title = {Automatic image annotation using adaptive color
journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing},
year = {1996},
volume = {58},
pages = {115--126},
theme = {analyse,signatures}
author = {R. Schettini and G. Ciocca and S. Zuffi},
month = {October},
year = 2000,
title = {Color in databases: Indexation and Similarity},
booktitle = {First International Conference on Colour in Graphics and Image
Processing CGIP'2000},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {analyse,signatures,similarite,espacescouleur}
author = "I.K. Sethi and N.V. Patel",
title = "Statistical Approach to Scene Change Detection",
booktitle = "Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases ({SPIE})",
pages = "329-338",
year = "1995",
url = "" ,
theme = {analyse,similarite,histogramme}
author = "J.R. Smith and S.F. Chang",
title = "Tools and Techniques for Color Image Retrieval",
booktitle = "Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases ({SPIE})",
pages = "426-437",
year = "1996",
url = "" },
theme = {analyse,similarite,histogramme}
author = {J.R. Smith and S.F. Chang},
editor = {M.T. Maybury},
year = 1997,
title = {Querying by color regions using the VisualSEEk content-based
visual query system},
chapter = {Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval},
publisher = {AAAI Press},
theme = {analyse,requete,region}
author = {M. Stricker and M. Orengo},
year = 1995,
title = {Similarity of color images},
booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings},
volume = 2420,
pages = {381-392},
theme = {analyse,signatures,histogramme,similarite}
@InProceedings{	  Swain90,
author = {M. J. Swain and D. H. Ballard},
title = {Indexing via color histograms},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
year = {1990},
pages = {390--393},
theme = {analyse,requete,similarite,histogramme}
author = {M.J. Swain, D.H. Ballard},
year = 1991,
title = {Color indexing},
journal = {International journal of computer vision},
volume = 7,
number = 1,
pages = {11-32},
theme = {analyse,requete,similarite,histogramme}
@InProceedings{	  Syeda96,
author = {T. F. Syeda-Mahmood and Y. Q. Cheng},
title = {Indexing colored surfaces in images},
booktitle = {13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
volume = {C},
year = {1996},
organization = {IEEE},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
month = {Aug.},
pages = {8--12},
note = {Proceedings},
theme = {analyse,requete,similarite,application}
author = {S.C. Tan and J. Kittler},
year = 1992,
title = {On color texture representation and classification},
booktitle = {International Conference on Image Processing},
pages = {390-395},
theme = {analyse,texture,frequentiel,scalaire}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau95,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and V. Pugnet and {'E}. Dinet and B. Laget},
title = {A local color correlation measure for color image
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1995},
organization = {IS&T/SID},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale},
pages = {119--122},
theme = {analyse,attributs}
@Article{	  Tremeau96-JIST,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and E. Dinet and E. Favier},
title = {Measurement and display of color image differences based
on visual attention},
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science and Technology},
year = {1996},
volume = {40},
number = {6},
month = nov,
pages = {522--534},
note = {IS&T/SID},
theme = {analyse,attributs,vision,perception,ecarts}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau96-SPIE,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and J. Bousigue and B. Laget},
title = {Cooccurrence shape descriptors applied to texture
classification and segmentation},
booktitle = {{SPIE} Proceedings},
volume = {2665},
year = {1996},
address = {San-Jose},
month = feb,
pages = {135--147},
theme = {analyse,attributs,texture}
@PhDThesis{	  Tremeau98,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau},
year = 1998,
school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet},
addresse = {Saint-Etienne, France},
title = {Analyse d'images couleurs : du pixel {`a} la sc{`e}ne},
note = {Habilitation {`a} Diriger des Recherches},
theme = {analyse,segmentation,quantification,qualite,comparaison,attributs,graphe,texture}
@InBook{	  Tremeau02-CIS,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and P. Colantoni},
editor = {Lindsay W. MacDonald},
title = {Colour Image Science: Exploiting Digital Media},
chapter = {Color Contrast Parameters using emergence features and edges features},
publisher = {John Wisley & Sons},
year = {2002},
month = {march},
theme = {analyse,comparaison,attributs}
@InProceedings{    Tremeau02-CGIVa,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and G. Chareyron},
title = {Watermarking of Color Images based on spectral modulation of viewing illuminant},
booktitle = {Proceedings of First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision},
year = {textbf{2002}},
address = {Poitiers, France},
month = {april},
organization = {IS & T},
pages = {326--331},
month = {apr.},
note = {CGIV'2002},
theme = {analyse,attributs,perception},
soustheme = {watermark,spectral}
@InProceedings{    Tremeau02-CGIVb,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and G. Chareyron},
title = {Watermarking of Color Images based on a multi-layer process},
booktitle = {Proceedings of First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision},
year = {2002},
address = {Poitiers, France},
month = {april},
organization = {IS & T},
note = {CGIV'2002},
pages = {77--80},
month = {apr.},
theme = {analyse,attributs,perception},
soustheme = {watermark}
author = {G. Van de Wouwer and Al.},
year = 1999,
title = {Wavelet correlation signatures for color texture characterization},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 32,
pages = {443-451},
theme = {analyse,attributs,frequentiel}
author = {C. Vertan and C. Fernandez-Maloigne
and N. Richard and M. Chaker Larabi},
title = {Classement et indexation des pierres ornementales
par une description compacte couleur-texture},
booktitle = {CORESA'2001},
year = {2001},
pages = {91--94},
month = "10--12~" # nov,
address = {Dijon, France},
theme = {analyse,histogramme,attributs,requete,texture}
author = {C. Vertan and A. Stoica and C.
title = {Color Texture Recognition and Indexing by Fuzzy
Color Spatial Distributions},
booktitle = {EUSIPCO 2002},
year = {2002},
address = {Toulouse, France},
month = "3--6~" # sep,
theme = {analyse,texture, signature},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {C. Vertan and A. Stoica and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title = {Sur les caract{'e}ristiques dominantes de
similarit'{e} des couleurs},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {CORESA'2003},
address = {Lyon, France},
month = "16--17~" # jan,
theme = {analyse,espacescouleur,apparence}
author = {M. Werman and S. Peleg and A. Rosenfeld},
year = 1985,
title = {{A distance metric for multi-dimensional histograms}},
journal = {Computer, Vision Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = 32,
pages = {328-336},
theme = {analyse,similarite}
author={G. Van de Wouver and S. Livens and P. Scheunders and P. Van Dyck},
title={Colour texture classification by wavelet energy-correlation signatures},
booktitle={Inter. Conf. Image Analysis and Processing},
theme = {analyse,signature,frequentiel,texture}
author={G. Van de Wouwer and P. Scheunders and S. Livens and D. Van Dyck},
title={Wavelet correlation signatures for color texture characterization},
journal={Pattern Recognition},
theme = {analyse,signature,frequentiel,texture}
@Article{	  Imai98,
author = {F. H. Imai and N. Tsumura and H. Haneishi and Y. Miyake},
title = {Improvement of incomplete chromatic adaptation model for
facial pattern images},
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science & Technology},
year = {1998},
volume = {42},
number = {3},
month = may,
pages = {264--268},
theme = {application,perception,apparence}
@InProceedings{	  Maitre95,
author = {H. Maitre and F. Schmitt and J. P. Crettez and Y. Wu},
title = {Analyse spectrophotométrique des øeuvres d'art par
traitement d'images},
booktitle = {15ème Colloque GRETSI},
year = {1995},
organization = {GDR ISIS},
address = {Juan-les-Pins, France},
month = sep,
pages = {13--16},
theme = {application},
soustheme = {spectral}
@InProceedings{	  Maitre96,
author = {H. Maitre and F. Schmitt and J. P. Crettez and Y. Wu and
J. Y. Hardeberg},
title = {Spectrophotometric Image Analysis of Fine Art Paintings},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1996},
organization = {IS&T/SID, Color Science, Systems and Applications},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale, Arizona},
pages = {50--53},
theme = {application},
soustheme = {spectral}
@InProceedings{	  Maitre97,
author = {H. Maitre and F. Schmitt and J. P. Crettez},
title = {High quality imaging in Museum : from theory to practice},
booktitle = {{SPIE} Proceedings},
year = {1997},
volume = {3025},
organization = {SPIE},
address = {San-Jose},
month = feb,
pages = {30--39},
theme = {application},
soustheme = {spectral}
@InProceedings{	  Queisser97,
author = {A. Queisser},
title = {Color spaces for inspection of natural objects},
booktitle = {IEEE proceedings},
volume = {3},
year = {1997},
pages = {42--45},
note = {ICIP-97},
theme = {application,espacescouleur}
@Article{	  Schettini92,
author = {R. Schettini and A. Della Ventura and M. T. Artese},
title = {Color specification by visual interaction},
journal = {The Visual Computer},
year = {1992},
volume = {9},
pages = {143--150},
theme = {application,espacescouleur,ecarts}
@Article{	  Vallari97,
author = {M. Vallari and Y. Chryssoulakis and J. M. Chassery},
title = {A colour study approach through colour measurements on
slides of art paintings},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1997},
volume = {22},
number = {5},
pages = {319--326},
theme = {application}
author={L. Akarun and Y. Yardimci and A. E. Cetin},
title={Adaptive methods for dithering color images},
journal={Proc. of IEEE},
theme = {compression,dithering}
author={L. Akarun and D. Ozdemir and O. Yalcin},
title={Joint quantization and dithering of color images},
booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'96},
theme = {compression},quantification,dithering}
@ARTICLE{    Akarun96-EL,
author = {L. Akarun and D. Ozdemir and O. Yalcin},
year = 1996,
title = {Modified Quantisation Algorithm for Dithering of Colour Images},
journal = {Electronics Letters},
volume = 32,
number = 13,
pages = {1185-????},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering}
author={L. Akarun and D. Ozdemir and E. Alpaydin},
title={Fuzzy error diffusion of color images},
journal={IEEE Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author={L. Akarun and Y. Yardimci and A. E. Cetin},
title={Adaptive methods for dithering color images},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering}
@ARTICLE{    Ashdown95,
author = {I. Ashdown},
month = {March},
year = 1995,
title = {Octree {Color} {Quantization}},
journal = {C/C++ Users Journal},
volume = 13,
number = 3,
pages = {31--44},
file = {},
url ={},
note = {includes sample C++ source code -- available via anonymous ftp
from <> as /published/cuj/1995/mar95.tar.Z, and from (including article text)},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Unpublished{  Ashdown97,
author = {Ian Ashdown},
title = {cquant97.bib : color quantization bibliography},
url = {},
year = {1997},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author = {R. Balasubramanian and J. Allebach},
year = 1991,
title = {A {New} {Approach} to {Palette} {Selection} for {Color} {Images}},
journal = {Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display III (1991)},
volume = {SPIE 1453},
pages = {58--69},
publisher = {Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers},
comments = {vector quantization using pairwise nearest neighbor algorithm
and k- dimensional trees},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={R. Balasubramian and J. Allebach},
title={A new approach to palette selection for color images},
journal={Journal of Imaging Technology},
comments = {vector quantization using pairwise nearest neighbor algorithm
and k- dimensional trees},
theme = {compression,quantification,mapping}
author={R. Balasubramian and J. Allebach and C. A. Bouman},
title={Color image quantization with use of a fast binary splitting technique},
journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America},
comments = {includes taxonomy of three major color quantization approaches
(iterative refinement, clustering and splitting)},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={R. Balasubramian and C. A. Bouman and J. Allebach},
title={Sequential scalar quantization of color images},
journal={Journal of Electronic Imaging},
theme = {compression,quantification,scalaire}
author={L. Bedat and A. Saadane and D. Barba},
title={Repr{'e}sentation et quantification psychovisuelles d'images couleur},
booktitle={Proc. of GRETSI},
address={Grenoble, France},
theme = {compression,codage,vision,perception,ecarts,espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels}
@PhDThesis{	  Bedat98,
author = {V. Bedat},
title = {Aspects psychovisuels de la perception des couleurs :
Application au codage d'images couleur fixes avec
compression de l'information},
school = {IRESTE - Universit{'e} de Nantes},
year = {1998},
theme = {compression,codage,vision,perception,ecarts,espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels}
author={J. L. Bentley and J. H. Friedman and R. A. Finkel},
title={An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic expected time},
journal={ACM Trans. Math. Software},
theme = {compression,mapping}
author={C. Bouman and M. Orchard},
title={Color image display with a limited palette size},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing
volume={SPIE 1199},
comments = {color quantization using hierarchical trees and subjective image
quality measures},
theme = {compression,quantification,mapping}
author={C. Bouman and M. Orchard},
title={Color quantization of images},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author = "Braquelaire, J. P. and L. Brun",
title = "Comparison and Optimization of Methods of Color
Image Quantization",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing",
year = 1997,
volume = 6,
number = 7,
pages = "1048-1052",
month = "july",
abstract = "Color image quantization is the process of reducing
the number of colors in a digital color image has
been widely studied for the last fifteen years. In
this paper the different steps of clustering methods
are studied. The methods are compared step by step
and some optimizations of the algorithms and data
structures are given. A new color space called
$H1H2H3$ is introduced which improves quantization
heuristics. A low-cost quantization scheme is
theme = {compression,quantification,comparaison}
author={G. Braudaway},
title={A procedure for optimum choice of a small number of colors from a large
color palette for color imaging},
booktitle={Proc. Electronic Imaging'87},
address={San Francisco, CA},
theme = {compression,quantification,mapping}
author = {Brun Luc and Claude Secroun},
title = {A fast algorithm for inverse color map computation},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
year = 1998,
volume = 17,
number = 4,
pages = {263-271},
month = {DECEMBER},
url = {},
abstract = "The inverse colormap operation is the process
which allows an image to be displayed with a
limited set of colors. In order to obtain minimal
visual distortion between the input image and the
displayed image, inverse colormap algorithms
associate each color with its nearest
representative. The method presented in this paper
is based on a Karhunen-Lo{`e}ve transformation,
which allows us to efficiently approximate the 3D
Vorono{"i}{} diagram implicitly used by inverse color
map algorithms by its 2D projection into the plane
defined by the first two eigenvectors of the
covariance matrix and then performing an
additional correction step. The complexity of our
algorithm is independent of the size of the
colormap. Moreover, its results are equal or quite
close to the optimal solution.",
theme = {compression,quantification,mapping}
author = {Brun, L. and M. Mokhtari},
title = {Two High Speed Color Quantization Algorithms},
booktitle = {Proceedings of CGIP'2000},
pages = {116-121},
year = 2000,
editor = {c{'e}padu{`e}s-{'e}ditions},
address = {Saint Etienne},
month = {October},
url = {},
abstract = "Color image quantization has been widely studied for
the last fifteen years. Most of existing
quantization algorithms use pure top-down or
bottom-up approaches, in this paper we present a
two-pass quantization method using a split stage
followed by a merge one. The split stage uses a
uniform quantization algorithm to generate $N$
initial clusters. These clusters are then combined
during the merge stage into $K<<N$ final
clusters. Finally, these clusters are used by an
inverse colormap algorithm to create the output
image. Two different inverse colormap algorithms
are proposed leading to two quantization
algorithms. These quantization algorithms are more
efficient than pure split or pure merge
algorithms. Moreover, the difference between the
number of clusters produced by the split stage and
the number of final clusters allows users to control
efficiently the quality/time ratio." ,
theme = {compression,quantification}
author = "L. Brun and A. Tr{'e}meau",
Title = "Quantization",
Booktitle = "chapter of Digital Color Imaging Handbook",
edition = "Gaurav Sharma",
publisher = "CRC Press",
year = "2002",
theme = {compression,codage,quantification,dithering,mapping}
author={M. Celenk},
title={A color clustering technique for image segmentation},
journal={Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification,segmentation}
@ARTICLE{    Chaddha94,
author = {Navid Chaddha and Wee-Chiew Tan and Teresa H. Y. Meng},
month = {April},
year = 1994,
title = {Color {Quantization} of {Images} {Based} on {Human} {Visual}
journal = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing (ICASSP-94)},
volume = {5 (Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing)},
pages = {V89--V92},
theme = {compression,quantification,perception}
@ARTICLE{    Chan94,
author = {S. S. Chan and R. Nerheim-Wolfe},
year = 1994,
title = {An {Empirical} {Assessment} of {Selected} {Color}-{Quantizing}
journal = {Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV (1993)},
volume = {SPIE 2179},
pages = {298--309},
publisher = {Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers},
comments = {subjective comparisons of Heckbert, Wan, Wu and Gervautz
theme = {compression,quantification,qualite}
@ARTICLE{    Chang93-SPIE1,
author = {L.-W. Chang and T.-S. Liu},
editor = {A. T. Tescher},
month = {July},
year = 1993,
title = {24-bit {Color} {Image} {Quantization} for 8-bit {Color} {Display}
{Based} on {Y}-{Cr}-{Cb}},
journal = {Applications of Digital Image Processing XVI (1993)},
volume = {SPIE 2028},
pages = {94--105},
publisher = {Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers},
address = {San Diego, CA},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@ARTICLE{    Chang93-SPIE2,
author = {L.-W. Chang and H.-H. Chang},
editor = {A. T. Tescher},
month = {July},
year = 1993,
title = {Fast {Algorithm} for {Color} {Vector} {Quantization}},
journal = {Applications of Digital Image Processing XVI (1993)},
volume = {SPIE 2028},
pages = {106--117},
publisher = {Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers},
address = {San Diego, CA},
theme = {compression,quantification,vectoriel}
author={C. Charrier},
title={Vers l'optimisation statistique et perceptuelle de la qualit{'e} pour la compression
des images couleur par quantification vectorielle},
school={Universit{'e} Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne},
theme = {compression,ecarts,qualite,comparaison,analyse,attributs}
@ARTICLE{    Chen93,
author = {X. Chen and R. Kothari and P. Klinkhachorn},
month = {July 11-15,},
year = 1993,
title = {Reduced {Color} {Image} {Based} on {Adaptive} {Color} {Selection}
{Using} {Neural} {Networks}},
journal = {World Congress on Neural Networks},
volume = {Vol. I},
pages = {555--558},
publisher = {INNS Press},
address = {Portland, OR},
theme = {compression,quantification},
soustheme = {neurone}
@ARTICLE{    Dekker94,
author = {A. Dekker},
year = 1994,
title = {Kohonen {Neural} {Networks} for {Optimal} {Colour} {Quantization}},
journal = {Network: Computation in Neural Systems},
volume = 5,
pages = {351--367},
publisher = {Institute of Physics Publishing, Techno House},
address = {Bristol, UK},
theme = {compression,quantification},
soustheme = {neurone}
author={S. S. Dixit},
title={Quantization of color images for display/printed on limited color output
journal={Computers and Graphics},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={Y. S. Feng and N. M. Nasrabadi},
title={Dynamic address-vector quantization of rgb colour images},
journal={IEEE Proceedings},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={C. Fernandez-Maloigne and N. Richard},
title={Coding of color images with cooccurrence matrice descriptors},
booktitle={Proc. of ECCV'2000},
address={Dublin, Ireland},
theme = {compression,codage,attributs,texture}
author={C. Fernandez-Maloigne and M. C. Larabi and N. Richard},
title={Core experiment result on color spaces},
howpublished={ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 N21, JPEG 2000},
theme = {compression,normescompression,espacescouleur}
author={P. Fletcher},
title={A SIMD parallel colour quantization algorithm},
journal={Computers & Graphics},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@ARTICLE{    Flohr93,
author = {T. J. Flohr and B. W. Kolpatzik and R. Balasubramanian and D. A.
Carrara and C. A. Bouman and J. P. Allebach},
editor = {J. P. Allebach and B. E. Rogowitz},
year = 1993,
title = {Model {Based} {Color} {Image} {Quantization}},
journal = {Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV (1993)},
volume = {SPIE 1913},
pages = {270--281},
publisher = {Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers},
comments = {color quantization approach based on human visual model in
luminance/chrominance-based color space},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@InProceedings{   Flyod75,
author = {R. W. Flyod and L. Steinberg},
title = {An adptative algorithm for spatial gray scale},
booktitle = {Int. Symp. Dig. Tech. Papers},
year = {1975},
editor = {SID},
volume = {36},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{	  Fuhrmann95,
author = {D. R. Fuhrmann and J. A. Baro and J. R. Cox},
title = {Experimental evaluation of psychophysical distortion
metrics for {JPEG}-encoded images},
journal = jei,
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
month = oct,
pages = {397--406},
theme = {compression,normescompression,comparaison,qualite}
author={R. Gentile and J. Allebach and E. Walowit},
title={Quantization of color images based on uniform color spaces},
journal={Journal of Imaging Technology},
theme = {compression,quantification,systemesperceptuels}
author = "A. Gersho and R. M. Gray",
title = "Vector quantization and signal compression",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1991",
theme = {compression,quantification,vectoriel}
@INCOLLECTION{    Gervautz88,
author = {M. Gervautz and W. Purgathofer},
editor = {N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann},
year = 1988,
title = {A {Simple} {Method} for {Color} {Quantization}: {Octree}
booktitle = {New Trends in Computer Graphics},
pages = {219--231},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
address = {New York, NY},
comments = {octree color quantization},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={N. Goldberg},
title={Colour image quantization for high resolution graphics display},
journal={Image and Vision Computing},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={H. Haneishi and T. Suzuki and N. Shimoyama and Y. Miyake},
title={Color digital halftoning taking colorimetric color reproduction into account},
journal={Journal of Electronic Imaging},
theme = {compression}
author={P. S. Heckbert},
title={Color image quantization for frame buffer display},
booktitle={Proc. of SIGGRAPH'82},
publisher={ACM Computer Graphics},
url = {},
comments = {presents median-cut and popularity algorithms},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={G. Houle and E. Dubois},
title={Quantization of color images for display on graphics terminals},
booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBE COM '86},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author = {Hsieh, Ing-Sheen and Fan, Kuo-Chin},
title = {An Adaptative clustering algorithm for color quantization},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = 2000,
volume = 21,
pages = {337-346},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification}
@INPROCEEDINGS{    Ignasiak94,
author = {K. Ignasiak and W. Lukaszewicz and W. Skarbek},
year = 1994,
title = {Colour {Quantization} {Methods}},
booktitle = {Machine Graphics & Vision - Special Issue: Proceedings of the
Third Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (GKPO
volume = 3,
number = {1/2},
pages = {451--456},
publisher = {Institute of Computer Science, ul. Ordona 21, 01-237 Warszawa,
comments = {publisher:},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@InProceedings{	  Iverson93,
author = {V. S. Iverson and E. A. Riskin},
title = {A fast method for combining palettes of color quantized
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
pages = {317--320},
year = {1993},
volume = {V},
pages = {317--320},
comments = {vector quantization approach using pairwise nearest-neighbor
algorithm and combining palettes of multiple images into a single
shared palette},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={A. K. Jain and W. K. Pratt},
title={Color image quantization},
howpublished={National Telecommunications Conference 1972 Record},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{	  Jayant93,
author = {N. S. Jayant and J. Johnston and R. Safranek},
title = {Signal Compression Based on Human Perception},
journal = {IEEE journal},
volume = {81},
number = {10},
year = {1993},
month = oct,
pages = {1385--1422},
theme = {compression,perception}
@ARTICLE{    Joy96,
author = {G. Joy and Z. Xiang},
year = 1996,
title = {Reducing {False} {Contours} in {Quantized} {Color} {Images}},
journal = {Computers & Graphics},
volume = 20,
number = 2,
pages = {231--242},
theme = {compression,quantification,contour}
author={T. Kaukoranta and P. Franti and O. Nevalainen},
title={Empirical study on subjective quality evaluation of compressed images},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging},
address={San Jose, CA},
volume={SPIE 2663},
theme = {compression,qualite,comparaison}
@Article{	  Kim96,
author = {K. M. Kim and C. S. Lee and E. J. Lee and Y. H. Ha},
title = {Color image quantization and dithering method based on
visual system characteristics},
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science and Technology},
year = {1996},
volume = {40},
number = {6},
month = nov,
pages = {502--509},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering,perception}
@ARTICLE{    Kruger94,
author = {A. Kruger},
month = {September},
year = 1994,
title = {Median-{Cut} {Color} {Quantization}},
journal = {Dr. Dobb's Journal},
volume = 19,
number = 9,
pages = {46--54, 91-92},
comments = {includes C source code (also available from and},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@InProceedings{	  Kurz83,
author = {B. J. Kurz},
title = {Optimal color quantization for color displays},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
year = {1983},
pages = {217--224},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Unpublished{  comp-Ladic95-DH,
author = {Lance Ladic},
title = {Colour Quantization},
url = {},
year = {1995},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={M. C. Larabi and N. Richard and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title={A fast color quantization using a matrix of local pallets},
booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop AIPR'2000},
address={Washington, USA},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={M.-C. Larabi and N. Richard and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title={A new quantification method under colorimetric constraints},
booktitle={Proc. of CGIV'2002},
address={Poitiers, France},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author = "M.-C. Larabi",
title = "Analyse et codage d'images couleur: application {`a} l'indexation de base d'images r{'e}parties",
year = "2002",
type = "th{`e}se de doctorat",
school = "Universit{'e} de Poitiers",
month = "d{'e}cembre",
theme = {compression,codage,quantification,analyse,attributs,signatures,primitives,requete}
author={Y. Linde and A. Buzo and R. Gray},
title={An algorithm for vector quantizer design},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Communications},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{        Lin01,
author = {Y. Lin and Y.J. Wang and T. H. Fan},
title = {Compaction of ordered dithered images with arithmetic coding},
journal = {IEEE Transaction on Image Processing},
year = {2001},
volume = {10},
number = {5},
pages = {797--802},
month = {may},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering}
@ARTICLE{   Liu95,
author = {Tsann-Shyong Liu and Long-Wen Chang},
year = 1995,
title = {Fast Color Image Quantization with Error Diffusion and
Morphological Operations},
journal = {Signal Processing},
volume = 43,
number = 3,
pages = {293--???},
publisher = {European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering,morphologie}
@misc{        Martinez00,
author={E. Martinez-Uriegas},
title={Multiple color spaces and component transforms in JPX: Update from WG1-1745
for Part II},
howpublished={ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 N1818, JPEG 2000},
theme = {compression,normescompression,espacescouleur}
@Article{	  Memon95,
author = {N. D. Memon and K. Sayood},
title = {Lossless compression of {RGB} color images},
journal = oe,
year = {1995},
volume = {34},
number = {6},
month = jun,
pages = {1711--1717},
theme = {compression,normescompression,espacescouleur}
@Article{	  Monawer95,
author = {H.A. Monawer},
title = {Image Vector Quantisation using a modified {LBG} algorithm
with approximated centroids},
journal = el,
year = {1995},
volume = {31},
number = {3},
month = feb,
pages = {174--175},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{	  Moroney95,
author = {N. M. Moroney and M. D. Fairchild},
title = {Color space selection for {JPEG} image compression},
journal = jei,
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
month = jun,
pages = {373--381},
theme = {compression,normescompression,espacescouleur}
author={M. Miyahara and K. Kotani and V. R. Algazi},
title={Objective picture quality scale (PQS) for image coding},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Communications},
theme = {compression,codage,analyse,attributs,qualite,perception,ecarts}
author={M. Nadenau and J. Reichel},
title={Compression of color images with wavelets under consideration of the HVS},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging},
address={San Jose, CA},
volume={SPIE 3644},
theme = {compression,frequentiel,perception}
author={M. J. Nadenau and J. Reichel},
title={Opponent color, human vision and wavelets for image compression},
booktitle={Proc. of the 7th Color Imaging Conference},
address={Scottsdale, Arizona},
theme = {compression,frequentiel,perception}
author={M. J. Nadenau et al.},
title={Wavelet-based color image compression: Exploing the contrast sensitivity
howpublished={IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
theme = {compression,frequentiel,perception}
author={T. Newman},
title={Specifying the color space of encoded images},
howpublished={ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 N1339, JPEG 2000},
theme = {compression,normescompression,espacescouleur}
@Article{	  Oehler95,
author = {K. L. Oehler and R. M. Gray},
title = {Combining Image Compression and Classification Using
Vector Quantization},
journal = {IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine
year = {1995},
volume = {17},
number = {5},
month = may,
pages = {461--473},
theme = {compression,quantification,vectoriel,classification}
author={M. T. Orchard and C. A. Bouman},
title={Color quantization of images},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing},
comments = {color quantization incorporating hierarchical tree-structured
color palettes and performance criteria based on subjective
evaluations of image quality},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={L. A. Overturf and M. L. Comer and E. J. Delp},
title={Color Image Coding Using Morphological Pyramid Decomposition},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing },
month={February },
theme = {compression,codage,multiresolution,morphologie}
author={T. Pappas},
title={Model-based halftoning of color images},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={Pedro and Sander},
title={Context-Based Color Image Compression},
booktitle={Computer Science 276r},
publisher={Spring 2000},
address={Harvard University},
theme = {compression}
author="L. M. Po and W. T. Tan",
title= "Block address predictive colour quantisation image compression",
journal ="IEE Electronics Letters",
theme = {compression,quantification}
author="L. M. Po and W. T. Tan, and C. H. Chan",
title="Address predictive color quantization image compression for multimedia applications",
booktitle="Proceeding of IEEE ICASSP",
address="Adelaide, South Australia",
pages ="298-292",
month ="April",
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{	  Popescu95,
author = {D. C. Popescu and H. Yan},
title = {Fractal-Based method for color image compression},
journal = jei,
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
month = jan,
pages = {23--30},
theme = {compression},
soustheme = {scalespace}
author={J. Puzicha and M. Held and J. Ketterer and J. M. Buhmann and D. W. Fellner},
title={On spatial quantization of color images},
journal={IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={A. Saadane and H. Senane and D. Barba},
title={Visual coding: design of psychovisual quantizers},
journal={Journal of Visual Comunication and Image Representation},
theme = {compression,quantification,vision,ecarts}
author = {J. Scharcanski and H. C. Chen and A. P. Alves Da Silva},
month = {March},
year = 1993,
title = {Colour Quantisation for Colour Texture Analysis},
series = {E (Computers and Digital Techniques)},
journal = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = 140,
number = 2,
pages = {109-114},
theme = {compression,quantification,texture}
@InProceedings{	  Rendon97,
author = {E. Rendon and L. Salgado and J. Men{'e}ndez and N. Garcia},
title = {Adaptive palette determination for color images based on
Kohonen networks},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = {1},
year = {1997},
pages = {830--833},
note = {ICIP-97},
theme = {compression,mapping},
soustheme = {neural}
author={M. Saenz and P. Salama and K. Shen and E. J. Delp},
title={An Evaluation of Color Embedded Wavelet Image Compression Techniques},
booktitle={Proceedings of the SPIE/IST Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)},
address={San Jose, California},
theme = {compression,frequentiel}
author="M. Saenz and P. Salama and K. Shen and E.J. Delp",
title ="An Evaluation of Color Embedded Wavelet Image Compression Techniques",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the SPIE/IS & T Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)",
address = "San Jose, CA",
month = "January",
theme = {compression,frequentiel}
author={M. Saenz and R. Oktem and K. Egiazarian and E.J. Delp},
title={Color Image Wavelet Compression Using Vector Morphology},
booktitle={Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference},
address={Tampere, Finland},
theme = {compression,frequentiel,vectoriel,morphologie}
author={P. V. Sander},
title={Context-based color image compression},
booktitle={Computer Science 276r},
address={Harvard University},
theme = {compression}
author={P. Scheunders},
title={A genetic approach towards optimal color image quantization},
journal={In IEEE Proceedings},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Article{	  Scheunders97-PRL,
author = {P. Scheunders},
title = {A comparison of clustering algorithms for color image
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1997},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification,comparaison}
author={P. Scheunders and S. D. Backer},
title={Joint quantization and error diffusion of color images using competitive
booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'97},
theme = {compression,quantification,dithering}
@InProceedings{	  Shen97,
author = {K. Shen and E. J. Delp},
title = {Color image compression using an embedded scalable
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = {3},
year = {1997},
pages = {34--37},
note = {ICIP-97},
theme = {compression}
@Article{	  Schmitz95,
author = {B. E. Schmitz and R. L. Stevenson},
title = {Color Palette Restoration},
journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing},
volume = 57,
number = 5,
month = sep,
year = {1995},
pages = {409--419},
theme = {compression,mapping}
author = {A. Stoica and C. Vertan and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title = {{O}bjective and {S}ubjective {C}olor {I}mage
{Q}uality {E}valuation for {JPEG2000-C}ompressed
booktitle = {SCS 2003~-~International Symposium on Signals
Circuits and Systems},
year = {2003},
address = {Iasi, Roumanie},
month = "10--11~" # jul,
theme = {compression,normescompression,quantification,qualite}
author = {A. Stoica and C. Vertan and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title = {{C}orrelating {O}bjective {A}nd {S}ubjective {C}olor
{I}mage {Q}uality {E}valuation {F}or {JPEG2000} -
{C}ompressed {I}mages},
booktitle = {11th IS&T Color Imaging Conference - Color Science,
Systems & Applications},
year = {2003},
address = {Scottsdale, AZ, USA},
month = "4--7~" # nov,
theme = {compression,normescompression,quantification,qualite}
@InProceedings{	  Suzuki96,
author = {J. Suzuki and A. Okumura},
title = {Nearly Lossless Compression for Very High Quality Color
booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings},
volume = {2663},
year = {1996},
pages = {143--154},
theme = {compression}
author = "S. W. Thomas",
editor = "J. Arvo",
year = "1991",
title = "Efficient {Inverse} {Color} {Map} {Computation}",
booktitle = "Graphics Gems II",
pages = "116--125, 528--535",
publisher = "Academic Press Professional",
address = "Cambridge, MA",
url = {},
theme = {compression,mapping}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau93,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and M. Calonnier and B. Laget},
title = {Evaluation of color quantization errors},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Int. Display Research Conf.},
volume = {{VIQ}-p5},
year = {1993},
organization = {SID},
address = {Strasbourg},
month = sep,
pages = {423--426},
note = {EuroDisplay'93},
theme = {compression,quantification,qualite,ecarts}
author={A. Tr{'e}meau and M. Calonnier and B. Laget},
title={Color quantization errors in terms of perceived image quality},
booktitle={Proc. of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
address={Adelaide, Australia},
theme = {compression,quantification,qualite,ecarts}
@Article{	  Tremeau95,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget},
title = {Quantification couleur et analyse d'image},
journal = {Traitement du Signal},
year = {1995},
volume = {12},
number = {1},
pages = {1--29},
note = {GRETSI}
theme = {compression,quantification,qualite,analyse,histogramme,attrubuts}
author ={A. Tr{'e}meau and E. Dinet and E. Favier},
title ={Measurement and display of color image differences based on visual attention},
journal ={Journal of Imaging Science & Technology},
volume ={40},
year ={1996},
pages ={522-534},
month ={Nov.},
number ={6},
theme = {compression}
author ={A. Tr{'e}meau and C. Charrier and H. Cherifi},
title ={A vector quantization algorithm based on the nearest neighbor of the furthest color},
booktitle ={Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'97},
year ={1997},
month ={Oct.},
address ={Santa Barbara, CA},
pages ={682-685},
volume ={3},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author ={A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget},
title ={Color dithering based on error diffusion and subjective measures of image
booktitle ={Proc. of IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing},
year ={1998},
month ={Feb.},
address ={Las Palmas},
pages ={359-362},
theme ={compression,quantification,dithering,vision,qualite}
author ={A. Tr{'e}meau},
title ={Color contrast parameters for analysing image differences},
booktitle ={Proc. of the Univ. of Derby Color Image Science 2000 Conference},
year ={2000},
month ={Apr.},
address ={Derby},
editor ={Colour and I. Institute},
pages ={11-23},
theme = {compression,analyse,attributs,ecarts}
author={R. F. Van Dyck, S. A. Rajala},
title={Subband/VQ coding in perceptually uniform color spaces},
booktitle={Proc. of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
theme = {compression,codage,perception,frequentiel,systemesperceptuels}
author={O. A. Verevka and J. W. Buchanan},
title={Local k-means algorithm for color image quantization},
booktitle={Graphics/Vision Interface '95},
address={Quebec Canada},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Unpublished{  Verevka95-CIQ,
author = {Oleg Verevka},
title = {Color Image Quantization},
url = {},
year = {1995},
theme = {compression,quantification}
@Unpublished{  Verevka95-DH,
author = {Oleg Verevka},
title = {Digital Halftoning},
url = {},
year = {1995},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author="P. Waldemar and T. Ramstad",
title="Subband coding of color images with limited palette size",
booktitle="Proceeding of IEEE ICASSP",
address="Adelaide, South Australia",
pages ="353-356",
month ="April",
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={S. Wan and S. Wong and P. Prusinkiewicz},
title={An algorithm for multidimensional data clustering},
journal={ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification}
author={S. J. Wan and P. Prusinkiewicz and S. K. M. Wong},
title={Variance-based color image quantization for frame buffer display},
journal={Color Research and Application},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification}
@Article{	  Watanabe88,
author = {T Watanabe},
title = {A fast algorithm for color image quantization using only
256 colors},
journal = {Systems and Computer in Japan},
year = {1988},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
pages = {64--72},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={A. B. Watson},
title={Perceptual optimization of DCT color quantization matrices},
booktitle={Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP'94},
theme = {compression,quantification,frequentiel}
author={X. Wu},
title={Color quantization by dynamic programming and principal analysis},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics},
theme = {compression,quantification}
author={Z. Xiang and G. Joy},
title={Color image quantization by agglomerative clustering},
journal={IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
theme = {compression,quantification,classification}
@ARTICLE{    Xiang97,
author = {Zhigang Xiang},
month = {July},
year = 1997,
title = {Color Image Quantization by Minimizing the Maximum Intercluster
url = {},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
volume = 16,
number = 3,
theme = {compression,quantification}
@InProceedings{	  Ylakoski92,
author = {I. Ylakoski and H. Ronngren},
title = {{CIE XYZ} colour space used for image compression},
booktitle = {Taga Proceedings},
year = {1992},
pages = {139--151},
theme = {compression}
@Article{	  Zaccarin93,
author = {A. Zaccarin and B. Liu},
title = {A novel approach for coding color quantized images},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
year = {1993},
volume = {2},
number = {4},
month = dec,
pages = {442--453},
theme = {compression,codage,quantification}
@Article{	 Berns93,
author = {R. S. Berns and R. J. Motta and M. E. Gorzynski},
title = {{CRT} colorimetry. Part {I} : Theory and practice},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = 1993,
volume = 18,
number = 5,
month = oct,
pages = {299--314},
theme = {dispositifs,colorimetrie}
author={D. H. Brainard},
title={Calibration of a computer controlled colour monitor},
journal={Color Research and Application},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@TechReport{	  CIE93,
author = {{CIE}},
title = {Guide to Characterizing the Colorimetry of
Computer-Controlled CRT Displays},
year = {1993},
type = {TC 2-26, Draft },
number = {2},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@InProceedings{	  Cowan83,
author = {W. B. Cowan},
title = {An Inexpensive Scheme for Calibration of a Colour Monitor
in Terms of {CIE} Standard Coordinates},
booktitle = {Computer Graphics},
volume = {17},
year = {1983},
organization = {SIGGRAPH},
pages = {315--323},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@InProceedings{	  Hardeberg97,
author = {J. Y. Hardeberg and F. Schmitt},
title = {Color Printer Characterization Using a Computational
Geometry Approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1997},
organization = {IS&T/SID, Color Science, Systems and Applications},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale, Arizona}
theme = {dispositifs,profils}
@InProceedings{	  Hardeberg96,
author = {J. Y. Hardeberg and F. Schmitt and I. Tastl and H. Brettel
and J. P. Crettez},
title = {Color Management for Color Facsimile},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1996},
organization = {IS&T/SID, Color Science, Systems and Applications},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale, Arizona},
pages = {108--113}
theme = {dispositifs,profils}
@Article{	  Hartmann87,
author = {W. T. Hartmann and T. E. Madden},
title = {Prediction of Display Colorimetry from Digital Video
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science & Technology},
year = {1987},
volume = {13},
number = {4},
month = aug,
pages = {103--108},
note = {IS&T},
theme = {dispositifs,video,colorimetrie}
@Article{	  Healey94,
author = {G. E. Healey and R. Kondepudy},
title = {Radiometric {CCD} Camera Calibration and Noise
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
year = {1994},
volume = {16},
number = {3},
pages = {267--276},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,acquisition}
@TechReport{	  IEC00,
author = {{IEC}},
title = {Multimedia systems and equipment - Color measurement and management. Part 9 : Digital Camera},
year = {2000},
type = {IEC 61966-9:2000-06(E)},
note = {first edition},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@Book{		  Kang97,
author = {H. R. Kang},
title = {Color technology for electronic imaging devices},
publisher = {Spie Optical Engineering Press},
year = 1997,
address = {Bellingham, Washington},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,profils}
@Article{	  Lee88,
author = {R. L. Lee},
title = {Colorimetric calibration of a video digitising system :
Algorithm and applications},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1988},
volume = {13},
pages = {180--186},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@Article{	  McCamy76,
author = {C. S. McCamy and H. Marcw and J. G. Davidson},
title = {A color rendition chart},
journal = {Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering},
year = {1976},
volume = {2},
number = {3},
pages = {95--99},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,acquisition}
@Article{        03,
author = {J. Morovic and P. Morovic},
title = {Determining colour gamuts of digital cameras and scanners},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {2003},
volume = {28},
number = {1},
OPTpages = {59--68},
month = feb,
abstract = {The determination of the colour gamuts of colour reproduction media is an important aspect of both understanding them in isolation and using them in the context of a colour reproduction system. Although this is well understood for output colour reproduction media, a solution for input media is not to be had in a simple way. To this end, in this article, we propose a method based on simulating the responses of an input medium to given spectral power distributions. We then determine the gamut of an input medium on the basis of having a set of spectra that covers the majority of all possible spectra, knowing a medium's quantized responses to them, and then determining a boundary beyond which the medium does not produce variation in its responses. }
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,acquisition}
@Article{	  Schettini95,
author = {R. Schettini and B. Barolo and E. Boldrin},
title = {Colorimetric calibration of color scanners by
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1995},
volume = {16},
pages = {1051--1056},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,acquisition}
@Article{	  Strachan90,
author = {N. J. C. Strachan and P. Nesvadba and A. R. Allen},
title = {Calibration of a video camera digitising system in the
{CIE} {L*u*v*} colour space},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
year = {1990},
volume = {11},
number = {11},
month = nov,
pages = {771--777},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage,acquisition}
author={D. Travis},
title={Effective colour displays: theory and practice},
publisher={Academic Press},
theme = {dispositifs}
@Unpublished{    Tremeau,
author = {A. Trémeau},
title = {Color Image grabbing technics for quality control in the field of industrial applications},
note = {Tutorial T15, IS & T, CGIV'2002 Conference},
year = {2002},
theme = {dispositifs}
@Article{	  Watson86,
author = {A. B. Watson and K. R. K. Nielsen and A. Poirson and
title = {Use of a raster framebuffer in vision research},
journal = {Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers},
year = 1986,
volume = 18,
number = 6,
pages = {587--594},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@InProceedings{	  cali-Win51,
author = {W. T. Wintringham},
title = {Color Television and colorimetry},
booktitle = {Proc. IRE},
volume = {39},
year = {1951},
pages = {1135--1172},
theme = {dispositifs,calibrage}
@InProceedings{  Colantoni03,
author = {P. Colantoni and A. Tr{'e}meau},
title = {3D Visualization of Color Data to Analyse Color Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of PICS Conference},
pages = {500--505},
year = {2003},
address = {Rochester},
month = {may},
organization = {IS & T},
theme = {espacescouleur},
abstract = {3D Virtual Reality tool makes color analysis intuitive. Indeed color data are much easier to analyze using 3D diagrams than using 2D sections or inspecting directly the ASCII data files. The aim of this study is to propose a set of tools based on 3D Virtual Reality to display color information in differents color spaces and different color representations, first in order to analyze which color space is the most relevant in regards to a computer vision process and a given image, and next to test in realtime differents algorithms to select the most relevant algorithms, or to understand why an algorithm or a color space gives better results than another, in regards to a given process (segmentation, quantization, indexing, ...) and a given image.}
@Article{	  Fairchild93,
author = {M. D. Fairchild and R. S. Berns},
title = {Image Color-Appearance Specification Through Extension of
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1993},
volume = {18},
number = {3},
month = jun,
pages = {178--190},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemespercptuels,vision,apparence,scene}
@Unpublished{	  Fairchild97,
author = {M. D. Fairchild},
title = {Refinement of the RLAB Color Space},
note = {Net-Found},
year = {1997},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemespercptuels,vision,apparence,scene}
@Article{	  Finlayson96,
author = {G. D. Finlayson},
title = {Color in perspective},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
year = {1996},
volume = {18},
pages = {1054--1058},
theme = {vision}
@Book{		  coul-Hal88,
author = {R. Hall},
title = {Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1988},
theme = {espacescouleur}
@Article{  Hill97,
author = {B. Hill and Th. Roger and F. W. Vorhagen},
title = {Comparative analysis of the quantization of color spaces on
the basis of the CIELAB color-difference formula},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
year = {1997},
volume = {16},
number = {2},
pages = {109--154},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels,ecarts,discretisation,quantification}
@Article{	  Levkowitz92,
author = {H. Levkowitz and G. T. Herman},
title = {Color spaces for image data},
journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications},
year = {1992},
month = jan,
pages = {72--80},
theme = {espacescouleur}
@InProceedings{	  Luo96,
author = {R. Luo},
title = {The LLAB Model for Colour Appearance and Colour Difference
booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings},
volume = {2658},
year = {1996},
pages = {261--269},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels,ecarts,scene,apparence}
@Article{	  Mahy91,
author = {M. Mahy and B. Van-Mellaert and L. Van-Eycken and A.
title = {The influence of uniform color spaces on color image
processing : a comparative study of CIELAB, CIELUV and
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science & Technology},
year = {1991},
volume = {17},
pages = {232--243},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels,analyse,comparaison}
@Article{	  Marcu95,
author = {G. Marcu and S. Abe},
title = {Three-dimensional histogram visualization in different
color spaces and applications},
journal = jei,
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
month = oct,
pages = {330--346},
theme = {espacescouleur,histogramme}
@InProceedings{	  Meyer80,
author = {G. W. Meyer and D. P. Greenberg},
title = {Perceptual color spaces for computer graphics},
booktitle = {ACM Proceedings},
year = {1980},
pages = {254--261},
theme = {espacescouleur,espacesperceptuels,application}
@InProceedings{	  Miyahara88,
author = {M. Miyahara and Y. Yoshida},
title = {Mathematical transform of (R,G,B) color data to Munsell
(H,S,V) color data},
booktitle = {{SPIE} Proceedings : Visual Communications and Image
volume = {1001},
year = {1988},
organization = {SPIE},
address = {San-Jose},
pages = {650--657},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesprimaires,luminancechrominance}
@PhDThesis{	  Ocadiz85,
author = {I. A. Ocadiz Luna},
title = {Analyse en composantes principales d'une image couleur},
school = {Universit{'e} de Grenoble},
year = {1985},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesindependants}
@Article{	  Ohta77,
author = {N. Ohta},
title = {Correspondance between CIELAB and CIELUV color
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1977},
volume = {2},
number = {4},
pages = {178--182},
theme = {espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels}
@INCOLLECTION{    Paeth90,
author = {A. W. Paeth},
editor = {A. S. Glassner},
year = 1990,
title = {Mapping {RGB} {Triples} {Onto} {Four} {Bits}},
booktitle = {Graphics Gems},
pages = {233--245, 718},
publisher = {Academic Press Professional},
address = {Cambridge, MA},
comments = {color quantization for 16-color palettes},
theme = {espacescouleur,discretisation,codage,quantification}
@Article{	  Pointer81,
author = {M. R. Pointer},
title = {A comparison of the CIE 1976 Colour Spaces},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1981},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {108--118},
theme = {espacescouleur,espacesperceptuels}
@Article{	  Robertson77,
author = {A. R. Robertson},
title = {The CIE 1976 color-difference formulae},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1977},
volume = {2},
number = {1},
pages = {7--11},
theme = {espacescouleur,espacesperceptuels}
@InProceedings{	  Schwartz87,
author = {M. W. Schwartz and W. B. Cowan and J. C. Beatty},
title = {An Experimental Comparaison of {RGB}, {YIQ}, {L*a*b*},
{HSV}, and Opponent Color Models},
booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
month = apr,
year = 1987,
volume = 6,
pages = {123--158},
theme = {espacescouleur}
@Article{	  Shih95,
author = {T. Y. Shih},
title = {The reversibility of six geometric color spaces},
journal = {Photogrammmetric Engineering & Remote Sensing},
year = {1995},
volume = {61},
number = {10},
month = oct,
pages = {1223--1232},
theme = {espacescouleur,discretisation}
author = "Johji Tajima",
title = "Uniform Color Scale Applications to Computer
journal = {Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = "21",
number = "3",
pages = "305--325",
month = "march",
year = "1983",
ISSN = "0734-189X",
bibdate = "Thu Feb 6 18:44:11 MST 1997",
bibsource = "/usr/local/src/bib/siggraph/83.bib; Compendex
database; Graphics/imager/imager.83.bib;
acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
classification = "723; 741",
journalabr = "Comput Vision Graphics Image Process",
keywords = "color; color displayed images; computer graphics; I37
color space; image processing; uniform color scale",
theme = {espacescouleur,discretisation,codage,quantification}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau93,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and M. Calonnier and B. Laget},
title = {Uniformisation num{'e}rique de l'espace couleur {L*a*b*} {`a}
partir du mod{`e}le elliptique de {MacAdam}},
booktitle = {XXV{`e}me journ{'e}es de statistique},
year = {1993},
organization = {SSF, ASU},
address = {Vannes},
month = may,
pages = {154--157},
theme = {espacescouleur,ecarts,systemesperceptuels}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau95-SPIE,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget},
title = {Transformation of the {L*a*b*} color space to obtain a
more uniform chromaticity diagram},
booktitle = {{SPIE} Proceedings},
volume = {2414},
year = {1995},
address = {San Jose},
month = feb,
pages = {36--49},
theme = {espacescouleur,ecarts,systemesperceptuels}
@Article{	  Tremeau95-AS,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and V. Lozano and B. Laget},
title = {How to optimize the use of the {L*H*C*} color space in
color image analysis processes},
journal = {Acta Stereologica},
year = {1995},
volume = {14},
number = {2},
pages = {223--228},
note = {ISS, Proceedings of the 9th {ICS}, Copenhagen},
theme = {espacescouleur,ecarts,systemesperceptuels,analyse}
@InProceedings{   Tremeau03-VIA,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau},
title = {Effectiveness of color spaces in color imaging},
note = {Proceedings of VIA Workshop},
address = {Dijon},
year = {2003},
month = {feb.},
theme = {espacescouleur,discretisation,codage,systemeshybrides}
abstract = { Color is a complex perception. In the simplest case, we
think of color perception as the interaction of a light
source, object, and observer. In fact, various aspects
of the source (e.g. spectral properties and the amount
of light), object (e.g. size and texture), observer
(e.g. spectral sensitivities, lens properties, macular
pigment, light and chromatic adaptation), and their
inter-relationship (e.g. background) transform our
simple case into a very complex science. Understanding
the principles of color physics and vision is among the
major objectives of this survey. Our goal is also to
introduce the basic principles of color vision, but
also to make the user sensitive to several aspects. The
mosts well-knowed color spaces are presented in this
survey. Spaces described are derived from visual system
models (e.g. RGB, opponent color space, IHS, etc.);
adopted from technical domains (e.g. colorimetry, XYZ,
television, YUV, etc.) or developped especially for
image processing (e.g. I_1 I_2 I_3 (Ohta) space, YCC
(Kodak Photo) space, etc.). Equations describing
transformations between different color spaces and the
reasons for using color spaces other than $RGB$ are
also presented. The reasons for applying color spaces
transformations are very varied. The choice of an
appropriate color space can be an important factor
determining the results of processing on a color image
(e.g. the quality of image segmentation, compression
ratio, etc.). That is, in practice there is no ideal
color space for all image processing applications. The
decision on which color space to use depends on the
processing task. An optimal decision can be very hard
to find. However, knowledge of the properties of the
various color space makes the choice easier. Based on
examples from literature or industrial applications,
the applicability of individual color space in image
processing system is discussed.}
@InProceedings{    perso-TreCol03,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and P. Colantoni},
title = {Usefulness of 3D Virtual reality to color imaging},
booktitle = {Proceedings of VCIP Conference},
year = {2003},
volume = {5150},
page = {1068--1077},
month = {jul.},
address = {Lugano},
organization = {SPIE},
theme = {espacescouleur},
abstract = {There are several ways to display color data of a color image. In this paper we present different methods that we have developed in order to understand and to analyze color image information. These methods use traditional 2D and 3D visualization model associated with specific color transformation. We also introduce a new multidimensional visualization model usefull to analyse spatiocolorimetric data.}
author ={D.R. Williams and J. Kauskopf and D.W Heeley },
title ={Cardinal direction of color space},
journal ={Vision Research},
volume ={22},
year ={1982},
pages ={1123--1131},
theme = {espacescouleur}
@InProceedings{	  Akarun97,
author = {L. Akarun and D. Ozdemir and E. Alpaydin},
title = {Fuzzy error diffusion of color images},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = {3},
year = {1997},
pages = {46--49},
note = {ICIP-97}
theme = {filtrage,dithering},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {W. Alshatti and Ph. Bolon and P. Lambert},
month = {September},
year = 1994,
title = {A class of non linear vector filters: Application to multi-spectral image filtering},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'94)},
pages = {860-863},
address = {Edimburgh, U.K.},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
author = {W. Alshatti and Ph. Bolon and P. Lambert},
editor = {},
month = {June 20-22},
year = 1995,
title = {A vector rank filter: application to multi-spectral image filtering},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing (NSIP'95)},
pages = {630-633},
publisher = {Neos Marmaras},
address = {Halkidiki, Greece},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,vectoriel}
author = {T.W. Anderson},
year = 1984,
title = {An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis},
publisher = {John Wiley & Sons},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire}
author = {J. Astola and P. Haavisto and Y. Neuvo},
month = {April},
year = 1990,
title = {Vector median filters},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
pages = {678-689},
volume = {78},
number = {4},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,vectoriel,ordre}
@InProceedings{	  Bardos97,
author = {A. J. Bardos and S. J. Sangwine},
title = {Selective vector median filtering of colour images},
booktitle = {IEE Proceedings},
volume = {443},
year = {1997},
month = jul,
pages = {708--711},
note = {IPA97},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {S. Belfkih and P. Montesinos},
year = {Avril 2002, Poitiers, France},
title = {Color Image Restauration},
booktitle = {Proc. Of the First European Conf. On Graphics, Image and Vision},
journal = {CGIV'2002, First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image
and Vision}
pages = {416-419},
theme = {filtrage},
soustheme = {EDP}
author = {N. A. Campbell},
year = 1980,
title = {Robust procedures in multivariate analysis I: Robust covariande estimation},
journal = {Applied statistics},
volume = {29},
number = {3},
pages = {678-689},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel}
author = {P. Carr'{e} and E. Andrès},
title = {Discrete ridgelet transform: application to the
denoising of color images},
booktitle = {Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision},
year = {2002},
month = "2--5" # apr,
address = {Poitiers, France},
theme = {filtrage,analyse,frequentiel}
author = {J. Chanussot and P. Lambert},
month = {15-19 Septembre},
year = 1997,
title = {Entrelacement de bits et "space filling curves : une extension des filtres de rang aux images couleur},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th colloque GRETSI},
pages = {765-768},
address = {Grenoble, France},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,ordre}
author = {J. Chanussot},
month = {Novembre},
year = 1998,
title = {Approches Vectorielles Ou Marginales Pour Le Traitement D'images
school = {Universit'e de Savoie},
theme = {filtrage,ordre,scalaire,vectoriel}
author = {J. Chanussot and P. Lambert},
month = {June},
year = 1998,
title = {Total ordering based on space filling curves for multivalued morphology},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology ans its Applications (ISMM'98)},
pages = {51-58},
address = {Amsterdam, The Nederlands},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
@InProceedings{	  Colantoni98,
author = {P. Colantoni and A. Trémeau and B. Laget},
title = {Comparison of color median filters},
booktitle = {Int. Symposium on Electronic Image Capture and
volume = {3409},
publisher = {SPIE and IS & T},
year = {1998},
pages = {186--195},
address = {Zurich},
month = may,
theme = {filtrage,comparaison}
@Article{        Comer99,
author = {M. L. Comer and E. J. Delp},
title = {Morphological operations for color image processing},
journal = {Journal of Electronic Imaging},
year = {1999},
volume = {8},
number = {3},
pages = {279--289},
month = jul,
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {Ouvrage Collectif},
year = 1998,
title = {The colour Image Processing Handbook},
publisher = {Chapman & Hall},
editor = {S.J Sangwine and R.E.N Norne},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
@Article{        Healey97,
author = {G. Healey and D. Slater},
title = {Computing Illumination-Invariant Descriptors of Spatially Filtered Color Image Region},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
year = {1997},
volume = {6},
number = {7},
pages = {1002--1013},
month = jul,
theme = {filtrage,scene}
author = {M.L Comer and E.J Delp},
month = {July},
year = 1999,
title = {{Morphological Operations for Color Image Processing}},
journal = {Journal of Electronic Imaging},
volume = 8,
number = 3,
pages = {279-289},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {M. Gabbouj and F.A Cheichk},
year = 1996,
title = {Vector median-vector directional hybrid filterfor color image restoration},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European Signal Processing Conference},
pages = {879-881},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {N. P. Galatsanos and R. T. Chin},
year = 1991,
title = {Restoration of color images by multichannel Kalman filtering},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
volume = {39},
number = {10},
pages = {2237-2252},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {Ouvrage collectif du GdR ISIS},
year = 1995,
title = {Analyse d'Images : Filtrage et Segmentation},
publisher = {Masson},
address = {Paris},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,scalaire}
author = {V. Gouet and P. Montesinos and D. Pel{'e}},
year = 1998,
title = {Stereo Matching of Color Images using Differential Invariants},
booktitle = {International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, USA},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {V. Gouet and P. Montesinos and D. Pel{'e}},
year = 1998,
title = {A Fast Matching Method for Color Uncalibrated Images using
Differential Invariants},
booktitle = {British Machine Vision Conference, Southampton, UK},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {V. Gouet V and P. Montesinos and R. Deriche and D. Pel{'e}},
month = {Février},
year = 2000,
title = {Evaluation de d'etecteurs de points d'int^eret pour la couleur},
journal = {12i`eme Congr'e Francophone AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des
Formes et Intelligence Artificielle},
volume = 2,
pages = {257-266},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {J. Goutsias},
year = 1992,
title = {Morphological transformations of image sequences : a lattice theory approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE, Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing},
pages = {306-317},
volume = {1769},
address = {San Diego},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {S. Guillon and P. Baylou and M. Najim and N. Keskes},
year = 1998,
title = {Adaptive nonlinear filters for 2D and 3D image enhancement},
journal = {Signal Processing},
number = {67},
pages = {237-254},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire}
author = {R. Hardie and G. Arce},
month = {June},
year = 1991,
title = {Ranking in IRp and its use in multivariate image estimation},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems for Video Technology},
volume = 1,
number = 2,
pages = {197-209},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {P. Heininen and Y. Neuvo},
year = 1988,
title = {Vector FIR-Median hybrif filters for multispectral signals},
journal = {Electronic Letters},
volume = {24},
number = {1},
pages = {1-6},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {D. Karakos and P. Trahanias},
month = {July},
year = 1997,
title = {Generalized Multichannel Image-Filtering Structures},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {6},
number = {7},
pages = {1038-1045},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
author = {A. K. Katsaggelos and K. T. Lay and N. P. Galatsanos},
year = 1993,
title = {A general framework for frequency domain multichannel signal processing},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {2},
pages = {417-420},
theme = {filtrage,frequentiel}
@InProceedings{	  Konik95,
author = {H. Konik and A. Trémeau and B. Laget},
title = {Multiresolution color image analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1995},
organization = {IS&T/SID},
month = nov,
address = {Scottdale},
pages = {82--85}
theme = {filtrage,multiresolution}
@Article{	  Konik96,
author = {H. Konik and V. Lozano and B. Laget},
title = {Color Pyramids For Image Processing},
journal = {Journal of Imaging Science and Technology},
year = {1996},
month = nov,
volume = {40},
number = {6},
pages = {535--542},
theme = {filtrage,multiresolution}
author = {C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas},
year = 1994,
title = {Multichannel L-filters based on marginal data ordering},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {5},
number = {6},
pages = {2581-2595},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,ordre}
@InProceedings{  Kotropoulos96,
author = {C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas amd M. Gabrani},
title = {Multichannel adaptive L-Filters in color image filtering},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
pages = {989--992},
year = {1996},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,ordre}
author = {A. Kurekin and V. Lukin and A. Zelensky and P. Koivisto and J. Astola and K. Saarinen},
editor = {},
month = {June},
year = 1999,
title = {Comparison of component and vector filter performance with application to multichannel and color image processing},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing (NSIP'99)},
pages = {38-42},
address = {Antalya, Turkey},
theme = {filtrage,comparaison}
author = {P. Lambert and S. Gaspard},
month = {September},
year = 2000,
title = {Enhancement and Registration of Multichannel Images based on Vector Order Filter},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO´2000)},
pages = {1357-1360},
address = {Tampere, Finland},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,vectoriel}
author = {P. Lambert and J. Chanussot},
month = {October},
year = 2000,
title = {Extending mathematical morphology to color image processing},
booktitle = {Proc. of the first International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing (CGIP'2000)},
pages = {158-163},
publisher = {},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {filtrage,ordre}
author = {R-S Lin and Y-C. Hsueh},
year = 1999,
title = {Multi-channel filtering by gradient information},
journal = {Signal Processing},
volume = {},
number = {80},
pages = {279-293},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {Q. Lin and J-P. Allebach},
month = {July},
year = 1990,
title = {Combating Speckle in SAR Images: Vector Filtering and Sequential Classification Based on a Multiplicative Noise Model},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
volume = {28},
number = {4},
pages = {279-293},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,vectoriel,contour}
author = {L. Lucat and P. Siohan},
month = {September},
year = 1997,
title = {Impulsive noise removing with vector median filters : a deterministic approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Non Linear Signal and Image Processing},
address = {Michigan, USA},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
@PhDThesis{	  Lucat98,
author = {L. Lucat},
title = {Analyse et synth`ese d'une famille de filtres
non-lin'eaires : Application au traitement d'images
school = {IRESTE - Universit'e de Nantes - CNET},
year = {1998},
theme = {filtrage}
@InProceedings{	  Lozano95,
author = {V. Lozano and S. Ubéda},
title = {Parallel Tools for Fractional Pyramids of Colored Images},
booktitle = {International Workshop on Parallel Image Analysis},
year = {1995},
address = {Lyon},
pages = {127--136},
month = dec,
theme = {filtrage,multiresolution},
@InProceedings{	  Lozano96,
author = {V. Lozano and B. Laget},
title = {Fractional Pyramids for Color Image Segmentation},
booktitle = {{IEEE} South West Symposium on Image Analysis and
year = {1996},
address = {San Antonio},
month = apr,
theme = {filtrage,multiresolution}
author = {R.A. Marona},
year = 1976,
title = {Robust M-estimators of multivarite location and scatter},
journal = {Annals of Statistics},
volume = {4},
pages = {51-67},
theme = {filtrage}
@InProceedings{	  Mlsna96,
author = {P. A. Mlsna and Q. Zhang and J. J. Rodriguez},
title = {3-D histogram modification of color images},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
year = {1996},
pages = {1015--1018},
theme = {filtrage,histogramme}
author = {P. Montesinos and V. Gouet. and R. Deriche},
year = 1998,
title = {{Differential Invariants for Color Images}},
journal = {Proceedings of $14^{th}$ International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Brisbane, Australia},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {N. Nikolaidis and I. Pitas},
month = {September},
year = 1996,
title = {Adaptive multichannel L-filters based on reduced ordering},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th EUSIPCO},
pages = {153-156},
address = {Trieste, Italy},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel}
@article{        Ohyama88,
author="N. Ohyama and M. Yachida and E. Badique and J. Tsujiuchi and T. Honda",
title="Least-squares filter for color-image restoration",
journal="Journal of the Optical Society of America. A",
theme = {filtrage}
author = {F. Ortiz and F. Torres and S. Puente and F. Candelas},
month = {October 2000},
year = 2000,
title = {Morphological Processing of Colour Images using Hue/Saturation/Intensity Color Spaces},
booktitle = {Proceedings of first International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing (CGIP'2000)},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {filtrage,ordre,systemesperceptuels}
@Article{	  Overturf95,
author = {L. A. Overturf and M. L. Comer and E. J. Delp},
title = {Color Image Coding Using Morphological Pyramid
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
year = {1995},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
month = feb,
pages = {177--185},
theme = {filtrage,multiresolution,ordre}
author = {M. K. Ozkan and A. T. Erdem and M. I. Sezan and A. M. Tekalp},
year = 1992,
title = {Efficient multiframe Wiener restoration of blurred and noisy images sequences},
journal = {IEEE transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {1},
pages = {453-476},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {I. Pitas and P. Taskalides},
month = {September},
year = 1991,
title = {Multivariate ordering in color image filtering},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
volume = {1},
number = {3},
pages = {247-259},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
@Article{	  Pitas96,
author = {I. Pitas and P. Kiniklis},
title = {Multichannel techniques in color image enhancement and
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
year = {1996},
volume = {5},
pages = {168--171},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,analyse}
author = {K. Plataniotis and A. Venetsanopoulos},
month = {June},
year = 1999,
title = {A taxonomy of Similarity Operators for Color Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing (NSIP'99)},
pages = {119-123},
address = {Antalya, Turkey},
theme = {filtrage,scalaire,ordre,comparaison}
author = {K. Plataniotis and D. Androutsos and S. Vinayagamoorthy and A. Venetsanopoulos},
month = {July},
year = 1997,
title = {Color Image Processing Using Adaptative Multichannel Filters},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {6},
number = {7},
pages = {933-949},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
author = {K. Plataniotis and A. Venetsanopoulos},
year = 2000,
title = {Color Image Processing and Applications},
publisher = {Springer Ed.},
theme = {filtrage,comparaison}
@InProceedings{  Regazzoni96,
author = {C. S. Regazzoni and E. Stringa and A. N. Venetsanopoulos},
title = {MRF based approach to color image restoration},
booktitle = {Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference},
pages = {141--144},
year = {1996},
volume = {1},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur},
author = {Sapiro G., D. L. Ringach},
title = {Anisotropic diffusion of multivalued images with application to color filtering},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
year = {1996},
volume = {5},
number = {11},
pages = {1582-1585},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur},
soustheme = {EDP}
author = {J. Serra},
year = 1988,
title = {Mathematical Morphology, Theoretical Advances},
publisher = {Academic Press},
volume = {2},
address = {London},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {E. Stringa and A. Teschioni and C. Regazzoni},
month = {June},
year = 1999,
title = {A classical morphological approach to color image filtering based on space filling curves},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on NonLinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP},
pages = {351-354},
theme = {filtrage}
@MastersThesis{	  Sung92,
author = {K. K. Sung},
title = {A vector Signal Processing Approach to Color},
school = {Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT},
year = {1992},
month = {Jan.},
note = {Master of Science in Electrical Engineering},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel}
author = {K. Tang and J. Astola},
month = {June},
year = 1995,
title = {Nonlinear Multivariate Image Filtering Techniques},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = {4},
number = {6},
pages = {788-798},
theme = {filtrage,vectoriel,ordre}
@InProceedings{	  Thomas97,
author = {B. A. Thomas and R. N. Strickland and J. J. Rodriguez},
title = {Color image enhancement using spatially adaptive
saturation feedback},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = {3},
year = {1997},
pages = {30--33},
note = {ICIP-97},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,luminancechrominance}
author = {B.C.S. Tom and K.T. Lay and A.K. Katsaggelos},
year = 1996,
title = {Multi channel image identification and restoration using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm},
journal = {Optical Engineering},
volume = {35},
pages = {241-254},
theme = {filtrage}
@InProceedings{	  Trahanias92,
author = {P. E. Trahanias and A. N. Venetsanopoulos},
title = {Color image enhancement through 3-D histogram
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
year = {1992},
pages = {545--548},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,histogramme,luminancechrominance}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau98,
author = {A. Trémeau and P. Colantoni and V. Lozano},
title = {Quality of color image filtering processes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Color Imaging Conference},
year = {1998},
organization = {IS&T/SID},
month = nov,
pages = {135--139},
address = {Scottdale},
theme = {filtrage,vision,qualite,comparaison}
author = {C. Vertan and M. Zamfir and E. Zaharescu and
V. Buzuloiu and C. Fernandez-Maloigne},
title = {Non-linear {C}olor image filtering by color to
planar shape mapping},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
year = {2003},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
month = "14--17~" # sep,
theme = {filtrage, rehausseur, morphologie}
author = {A.R. Weeks and G.E. Haque and H.R. Myler},
year = 1995,
title = {Histogram equalization of 24-bit color images in color difference (C-Y) color space},
journal = {Journal of Electronic Imaging},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {15-22},
theme = {filtrage,rehausseur,scalaire,histogramme,luminancechrominance}
author = {M.E. Zervakis},
year = 1996,
title = {Generalized maximum a posteriori processing of multichannel images and applications},
journal = {Circuit System Signal Processing},
volume = {15},
number = {2},
pages = {233-260},
theme = {filtrage}
author = {Y. Altunbasak and P.E. Eren and A.M. Tekalp},
year = 1998,
title = {{Region-based motion segmentation using color segmentation}},
journal = {{Graphical Models and Image Processing}},
volume = 60,
number = 1,
pages = {13-23},
theme = {segmentation+region}
author = {J.C. Bezdeck},
year = 1981,
title = {{P}attern recognition with fuzzy objectives function algorithms'},
publisher = {Plenum Press Ed.},
address = {New York},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {I. Bloch},
month = {September},
year = 1996,
title = {Information combination operators for data fusion: A comparative
review with classification},
journal = {IEEE. Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
volume = 26,
number = 1,
pages = {52-67},
theme = {segmentation+filtrage}
author = {M. Borsotti and P. Campadelli and R. Schettini},
month = {June},
year = 1998,
title = {Quantitative Evaluation of Color Image Segmentation Results},
journal = {Pattern Recogintion Letters},
volume = 19,
number = 8,
pages = {741-747},
theme = {segmentation+comparaison+attributs}
author = {R. Boussarsar},
year = 1997,
title = {{Contribution des mesures floues et d'un mod{`e}le markovien {`a} la
segmentation d'images couleur}},
school = {Universit{'e} de Rouen},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy+markov}
author = {P. Campadelli and D. MediciI and R. Schettini},
year = 1997,
title = {Color Images Segmentation Using {H}opfield Networks},
journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
volume = 15,
number = 3,
pages = 161,
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {J. Canny},
year = 1986,
title = {A Computational Approach to Edge Detection},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 8,
number = 6,
pages = {679-698},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {T. Carron},
month = {d{'e}cembre},
year = 1995,
title = {Segmentation d'images couleur dans la base
Teinte-Luminance-Saturatuion : approche num{'e}rique et symbolique},
school = {Universit{'e} de Savoie},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Celenk and S.H. Smith},
year = 1986,
title = {Color Image Segmentation by Clustering and Parametric-Histogramming
booktitle = {Proc. Eight Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition},
pages = {883-886},
theme = {segmentation+classification+histogramme}
author = {M. Celenk and S.H. Smith},
year = 1986,
title = {Gross Segmentation of Color Images of Natural Scenes for Computer
Vision Systems},
journal = {SPIE},
volume = {635 Applications of Artificial Inteligence III},
pages = {333-344},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Celenk},
year = 1988,
title = {A Recursive Clustering Technique for Color Picture Segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
pages = {437-444},
theme = {segmentation+classification}
author = {M. Celenk},
year = 1990,
title = {{A} color clustering technique for image segmentation},
journal = {Computer Vision Graphics Image Processing},
volume = 52,
pages = {145-170},
theme = {segmentation+classification}
author = {M.M. Chang and A.J. Patti and M.I. Sezan and A.M. Tekalp},
year = 1993,
title = {Segmentation of Color Images Using an Adaptative Bayesian Approach},
booktitle = {Proc. Of the {IEEE} 8th Workshop on Image and Multidimensional
Signal Processing},
pages = {186-187},
address = {Cannes (France)},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {probabiliste}
author = {M. Chapron},
year = 1997,
title = {A Chromatic Contour Detector Based on Abrupt Changes Techniques},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Image
Processing - {ICIP'97}},
volume = 3,
pages = {18-21},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {J.M. Chassery and M. Melkemi},
year = 1991,
title = {{D}iagramme de Vorono"{i} appliqu{'e} {`a} la segmentation d'images
et {`a} la d{'e}tection d'{'e}v{'e}nements en imagerie multi-sources},
journal = {Traitement du signal},
volume = 8,
number = 3,
pages = {155-164},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {T. Cheng and C. Huang},
year = 1991,
title = {Color images segmentation using scale space filter and markov
random fields},
booktitle = {Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X : Algorithms and
journal = {SPIE},
volume = 1607,
pages = {358-368},
theme = {segmentation+region+filtrage+multiresolution},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {K.S. Cheng and J.S. Lin and C.W. Mao},
year = 1996,
title = {{T}he application of competitive hopfield neural network to medical
image segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging},
volume = 15,
number = 4,
pages = {560-567},
theme = {segmentation+application},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {H. Cheng},
month = {december},
year = 2000,
title = {{A} Hierarchical approach to color image segmentation using
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
volume = 9,
number = 12,
pages = {2071-2082},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme}
author = {H.D. Cheng and X.H. Jiang and Y. Sun and J. Wang},
year = 2001,
title = {Color image segmentation:advances and prospects},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 34,
number = 6,
pages = {2259-2281},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {J.P. Cocquerez, S.Phillip},
year = 1995,
title = {{Analyse d'images: filtrage et segmentation}},
publisher = {Masson},
theme = {segmentation+filtrage+histogramme}
author = {P. Colantoni and B. Laget},
year = 1997,
title = {Color Image Segmentation Using Region Adjacency Graphs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Image Processing and its
volume = 443,
pages = {698-702},
address = {Dublin},
theme = {segmentation+graphe}
author = {P. Colantoni},
month = {Novembre},
year = 1998,
title = {Contribution des structures de donn{'e}es {`a} la segmentation
d'images couleur - {'E}laboration d'un outil d'infographie textile},
school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation+graphe+application}
author = {A. Tremeau and P. Colantoni},
month = {april},
year = 2000,
title = {{R}egion adjacency graph applied to color image segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
volume = 9,
number = 4,
pages = {735-744},
theme = {segmentation+region+graphe}
author = {D. Comaniciu and P. Meer},
year = 1997,
title = {Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Int. Conf. On Computer Vision and Pattern
volume = 2,
pages = {750-755},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {V. Coutance},
month = {janvier},
year = 1991,
title = {La couleur en vision par ordinateur. Application {`a} la robotique},
school = {Universit{'e} Paul Sabatier de Toulouse},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation+region+application}
author = {A. Cumani},
year = 1991,
title = {Edge Detection in Multispectral Images},
journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing},
volume = 53,
number = 1,
pages = {40-51},
theme = {segmentation+contour+multispectral}
author = {A. Cumani and P. Grattoni and A. Giuducci},
year = 1991,
title = {An Edge-Based Description of Color Images},
journal = {Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = 53,
number = 1,
pages = {313-323},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {M. Daily},
year = 1989,
title = {Color Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field},
booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}},
pages = {304-312},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {J-C Devaux},
year = 2000,
title = {{Segmentation par approche r{'e}gion des images couleur :
application aux images a{'e}riennes de milieux naturels}},
school = {Universit{'e} de Bourgogne {`a} Dijon},
theme = {segmentation+region+application}
author = {S. Di Zenzo},
year = 1986,
title = {A Note on the Gradient of Multi-Image},
journal = {Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing},
volume = 33,
pages = {116-125},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {F. Ferri and E. Vidal},
year = 1992,
title = {Color Image Segmentation and Labeling Through Multiedit-Condensing},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 13,
pages = {561-568},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Fontaine and L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {may},
year = 1999,
title = {{F}undus images segmentation by unsupervised classification},
booktitle = {VI'99 : 12th Conference on Vision Interface},
pages = {296-302},
address = {Trois-Rivi{`e}res, Canada},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Fontaine and L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {september},
year = 2000,
title = {{U}nsupervised segmentation based on connectivity analysis},
booktitle = {ICPR'2000 : 15th International Conference on Pattern
volume = 1,
pages = {600-603},
address = {Bracelona, Spain},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Fontaine and L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {september},
year = 2000,
title = {{I}mage segmentation based on an original multiscale analysis of
the pixel connectivity properties},
booktitle = {ICIP'2000 : International Conference on Image Processing},
volume = 1,
pages = {804-807},
address = {Vancouver, Canada},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {M. Fontaine and L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {october},
year = 2000,
title = {{C}olor image segmentation based on a multiscale analysis of pixel
connectivity properties},
booktitle = {CGIP'2000 : 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics
and Image Processing},
pages = {78-83},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {K. S. Fu and J. K. Mui},
year = 1981,
title = {A survey on image segmentation},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 13,
number = 1,
pages = {3--16},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {J.P. Gambotto},
year = 1993,
title = {A New Approach to Combining Region Growing and Edge Detection},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 14,
pages = {869-875},
theme = {segmentation+cooperation}
author = {J. Gauch and C. W. Hsia},
year = 1992,
title = {A comparison of three color image segmentation algorithms in four
color spaces},
booktitle = {SPIE Proceedings on Visual Communications and Image Processing},
volume = 1818,
pages = {1168-1181},
theme = {segmentation+comparaison+espaces}
author = {T. Gevers and F.C.A. Groen},
year = 1991,
title = {Segmentation of Color Images},
booktitle = {Proc. Of the 7th {SCIA}},
address = {Aalborg},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {A. Gillet and L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {october},
year = 2000,
title = {{F}uzzy unupervised color image segmentation},
booktitle = {CGIP'2000 : 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics
and Image Processing},
pages = {141-146},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {M. Goldbaum and S. Moezzi and A. Taylor and S. Chatterjee and J.
Boyd and E.Hunter and R. jain},
year = 1996,
title = {{A}utomated diagnosis and image understanding with object
extraction, object classification, and inferencing in retinal images},
journal = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing},
volume = 3,
pages = {695-698},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {H. Grecu and P. Lambert},
month = {september},
year = 2000,
title = {{S}implification of a color image segmentation using a fuzzy
attributed graph},
booktitle = {ICIP'2000 : International Conference on Image Processing},
volume = 1,
pages = {525-528},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {J. Gauch and C.W. Hsia},
year = 1992,
title = {A Comparison of Three Color Image Segmentation Algorithms in Four
Color Spaces},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {SPIE} Conference on Visual Communications and
Image Processing},
volume = 1818,
pages = {1168-1181},
theme = {segmentation+comparaison}
author = {R. M. Haralick and K. Shanmugam and I. Dinstein},
year = 1973,
title = {Textural features for image classification},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics},
volume = 3,
number = 6,
pages = {610--621},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {G. Healey},
year = 1992,
title = {Segmenting Images Using Normalized Color},
journal = {IEEE Sys., Man., Cybern.},
volume = 22,
pages = {64-73},
theme = {segmentation+scene}
author = {S. L. Horowitz and S. Pavlidis},
year = 1974,
title = {{P}icture segmentation by a directed split and merge procedure},
booktitle = {Second international Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition},
pages = {424-433},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {C.L. Huang and T.Y. Cheng and C.C. Chen},
year = 1992,
title = {Color Images Segmentation Using Scale Space Filter and {M}arkov
Random Field},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 25,
number = 10,
pages = {1217-1229},
theme = {segmentation+multiresolution},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {T.L. Huntsberger and M.F. Descalzi},
year = 1985,
title = {Color Edge Detection},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 3,
pages = {205-209},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {N. Ito and R. Kamakura and Y. Shimazu and T. Yokoyama and Y.
year = 1996,
title = {The Combination of Edge Detection and Region Extraction in
Nonparametric Color Image Segmentation},
journal = {Information Science},
volume = 92,
pages = {277-294},
theme = {segmentation+cooperation}
author = {R. Kara-Falah},
month = {juin},
year = 1995,
title = {Segmentation d'images : Coop{'e}ration, fusion, {'e}valuation},
school = {Universit{'e} de Savoie},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {P. Lambert and L. Macaire},
month = {october},
year = 2000,
title = {{F}iltering and segmentation: the specifity of colour images},
booktitle = {CGIP'2000 : 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics
and Image Processing},
pages = {57-71},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {segmentation+filtrage}
author = {P. Lambert and T. Carron},
year = 1999,
title = {{S}ymbolic fusion of luminance-hue-chroma features for region
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 32,
number = {},
pages = {1857-1872},
theme = {segmentation+region}
author = {E. Lefevre and P. Vannoorenberghe and O. Colot},
month = {october},
year = 2000,
title = {About the use of Dempster-Shafer theory for color image
booktitle = {CGIP'2000 : 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics
and Image Processing},
pages = {164-169},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {O. Lezoray},
year = 2000,
title = {{Segmentation d'images couleur par morphologie math{'e}matique et
classification de donn{'e}es par r{'e}seaux de reurones : application
{`a} la classification de cellules en cytologie des s{'e}reuses}},
school = {Universit{'e} de Caen},
theme = {segmentation+morphologie+classification+application},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {A.W.C. Liew and S.H. Leung and W.H. Lau},
month = {april},
year = 2000,
title = {{F}uzzy image clustering incorporating spatial continuity},
journal = {IEE Proceedings on Vision Image Signal Processing},
volume = 147,
number = 2,
pages = {185-192},
theme = {segmentation+classification},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {Y. W. Lim and S. U. Lee},
year = 1990,
title = {{O}n the color image segmentation algorithm based on the
thresholding and the fuzzy c-means techniques},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 23,
number = 9,
pages = {935-952},
theme = {segmentation+classification+histogramme+multiresolution},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {E. Littman and E. Ritter},
year = 1997,
title = {Colour Image Segmentation: A Comparison of Neural and Statistical
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks},
volume = 8,
number = 1,
pages = {175-185},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {J. Liu and Y.H. Yang},
year = 1994,
title = {Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 16,
number = 7,
pages = {689-700},
theme = {segmentation+multiresolution+comparaison+attributs}
author = {L. Macaire and J-G. Postaire},
month = {may},
year = 1993,
title = {{A}utomated visual inspection of galvanized and painted metallic
journal = {7th IEEE Annual European Computer Conference COMPEURO 93},
pages = {8-15},
theme = {segmentation+application}
author = {F. Meyer},
year = 1992,
title = {{Color image segmentation}},
booktitle = {{Proc. of the 4th Conference on Image Processing and its
pages = {302-306},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {A. Moghaddamzadeh and N. Bourkabis},
year = 1997,
title = {A fuzzy Region growing approach for segmentation of color images},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 30,
number = 6,
pages = {867-881},
theme = {segmentation+cooperation+region},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {T. Muerle},
year = 1968,
title = {{E}xperimental evaluation of techniques for automatic segmentation
of objects in a complex scene},
journal = {Pictorial Pattern Recognition},
pages = {3-13},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {C. L. Novak and S. A. Shafer},
year = 1987,
title = {Color Edge Detection},
booktitle = {Proc. Of {DARPA} Image Understanding Workshop},
pages = {35-37},
publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.},
address = {Los Angeles (USA). Los Altos, CA},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {R. Neviata},
year = 1976,
title = {A Color Edge Detector},
booktitle = {Proc. Of {IJCPR}-{III}},
pages = {829-832},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {R. Neviata},
year = 1977,
title = {A Color Edge Detector and its Use in Scene Segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Syst., Man,Cybern.},
volume = {SMC-7},
pages = {820-826},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {R. Ohlander and K. Price and D. R. Reddy},
year = 1978,
title = {Picture segmentation using a recursive region splitting method},
journal = {Computer Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = 8,
pages = {313--333},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme+espacescouleur}
author = {Y. I. Ohta and T. Kanade and T. Sakai},
year = 1980,
title = {Color information for region segmentation},
journal = {Computer Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = 13,
pages = {222--241},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme+espacescouleur+systemesindependants}
author = {N.R. Pal and S.R. Pal},
year = 1989,
title = {Object Background Segmentation Using New Definitions of Entropy},
journal = {IEE Proceedings},
volume = 136,
number = 4,
theme = {segmentation}
author = {N.R. Pal and S.K. Pal},
year = 1993,
title = {{A} review on image segmentation techniques},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = {26(9)},
pages = {1277-1294},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {D. K. Panjwani and G. Healey},
year = 1995,
title = {{M}arkov random field models for unsupervised segmentation of
textured color images},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 17,
number = 10,
pages = {939-954},
theme = {segmentation+region+texture},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {S. H. Park and I. D. Yun and S. U. Lee},
year = 1998,
title = {{C}olor image segmentation based on {3D} clustering: morphological
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 31,
number = 8,
pages = {1061-1076},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme}
author = {S. Pateux},
month = {october},
year = 2000,
title = {{S}patial segmentation of color images according to the {M}{D}{L}
booktitle = {CGIP'2000 : 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics
and Image Processing},
pages = {89-93},
address = {Saint-Etienne, France},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {S. Philipp-Foliguet and M.B. Vieira and M. Sanfourche},
month = {avril},
year = 2002,
title = {Fuzzy segmentation of color images and indexing of fuzzy regions.},
booktitle = {CGIV'2002 : European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging
and Vision},
pages = {507-516},
address = {Poitiers, France},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {N. Pietaken},
year = 1986,
title = {Edge Information in Color Images Based on Histograms of Differences},
booktitle = {Proc. Of the {IEEE} Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition},
pages = {594- 596.},
address = {Paris},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {P. Pujas and M.J. Aldon},
year = 1995,
title = {Robust Colour Image Segmentation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced
volume = 1,
pages = {145-155},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {G. Raffy},
month = {mars},
year = 1999,
title = {Vision num{'e}rique couleur appliqu{'e}e {`a} l'{'e}valuation de la
qualit{'e} de carcasses de dindes},
school = {Universit{'e} Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme+espacescouleur+application}
author = {C. Robe},
month = {Octobre},
year = 1991,
title = {Segmentation d'images par analyse de connexit{'e} - Application au
contr{^o}le qualit{'e} en prodution horticole},
school = {Universit{'e} des Sciences et Technologies de Lille},
theme = {segmentation+application}
author = {G. S. Robinson},
month = oct,
year = 1977,
title = {Color edge detection},
journal = oe,
volume = 16,
number = 5,
pages = {479-484},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {K. Saarinen},
year = 1994,
title = {{C}olor image segmentation by a watershed algorithm and region
adjacency graph processing},
booktitle = {ICIP'94 : International Conference on Image Processing},
pages = {1021-1024},
theme = {segmentation+region+graphe}
author = {G. Sapiro},
year = 1997,
title = {Color snakes},
journal = {Computer Vision and Image understanding},
volume = 68,
number = 2,
pages = {407-416},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {A. Sarabi and J.K. Aggarwall},
year = 1981,
title = {Segmentation of Chromatic Image},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 13,
pages = {417-427},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {R. Schettini},
year = 1993,
title = {{A} segmentation algorithm for color images},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 14,
pages = {499-506},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme+region}
author = {L. Shaffarenko and M. Petrou},
month = {November},
year = 1997,
title = {{A}utomatic watershed segmentation of randomly textured color
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
volume = 6,
number = 11,
pages = {1530-1543},
theme = {segmentation+region+graphe}
author = {L. Shaffarenko and M. Petrou and J. Kittler},
month = {September},
year = 1998,
title = {{H}istogram-based segmentation in a perceptually uniform color
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Image Processing},
volume = 7,
number = 9,
pages = {1354-1358},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme}
author = {K. Takahashi and H. Nakatani and K. Abe},
year = 1995,
title = {Color image segmentation using {ISODATA} clustering method},
booktitle = {Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision},
journal = {ACCV'95 proceedings},
volume = 1,
pages = {523--527},
address = {Singapore},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {H. Tao and T.S. Huang},
year = 1997,
title = {Color Image Edge Detection Using Cluster Analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Image
Processing - {ICIP'97}},
volume = 1,
pages = {834-836},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {S. Tominaga},
year = 1992,
title = {Color classification of natural color images},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
volume = 17,
number = 4,
pages = {230--239},
theme = {segmentation+histogramme}
author = {P.E. Trahanias and A.N. Venetsapoulos},
year = 1996,
title = {Vector Order Statistics Operators as Color Edge Detectors},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
volume = {B-26},
pages = {135-143},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau and N. Borel},
year = 1997,
title = {{A} region growing and merging algorithm to color segmentation},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 30,
pages = {1191-1203},
theme = {segmentation+region}
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau},
month = {mai},
year = 1998,
title = {Analyse d'images couleur~: du pixel {`a} la sc{`e}ne},
school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne},
type = {Habilitation {`a} Diriger des Recherches},
theme = {segmentation+classification}
author = {T. Uchiyama and M. A. Arbib},
year = 1994,
title = {{C}olor image segmentation using competitive learning},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 16,
number = 12,
pages = {1197-1206},
theme = {segmentation+classification},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {J. K. Udupa and S. Samarasekera},
month = {May},
year = 1996,
title = {{F}uzzy-connectedness and object definition: theory, algorithms,
and applications in image segmentation},
journal = {Graphical models ans image processing},
volume = 58,
number = 3,
pages = {246-261},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {J. K. Udupa and L. Wei and S. Samarasekera and Y. Miki and M. A.
van Buchem and R. I. Grossman},
year = 1997,
title = {{M}ultiple sclerosis lesion quantification using
fuzzy-connectedness principles},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging},
volume = 16,
number = 5,
pages = {598-607},
theme = {segmentation+application}
author = {V. Ultr{'e} and L. Macaire and J.G. Postaire},
year = 1996,
title = {Determination of Compatibility Coefficient for Color Edge Detection
by Relaxation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Image
Processing - {ICIP'96}},
volume = 3,
pages = {1045-1048},
address = {Lausanne},
theme = {segmentation+contour}
author = {N. Vandenbroucke and L. Macaire and J.G. Postaire},
year = 1998,
title = {Color Pixels Classification in an Hybrid Color Space},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Image
Processing - {ICIP'98}},
volume = 1,
pages = {176-180},
address = {Chicago},
theme = {segmentation+classification+systemeshybrides}
author = {N. Vandenbroucke},
month = {decembre},
year = 2000,
title = {Segmentation d'images couleur par classification de pixels dans des
espaces d'attributs colorim{`e}triques adapt{'e}s. Application {`a}
l'analyse d'images de football},
school = {Universit{'e} Lille 1},
type = {Th{`e}se de doctorat},
theme = {segmentation+classification+application}
author = {Vannoorenberghe P. and Colot O.},
year = 1999,
title = {Color Image Segmentation Using Dempster-Shafer Theory},
booktitle = {{ICIP'99}},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {fuzzy}
author = {A. Verikas and K. Malmqvist and L. Bergman},
year = 1997,
title = {Colour Image Segmentation by Modular Neural Network},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 18,
pages = {173-185},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {neural}
author = {S. Vitulano and C. Di Ruberto and M. Nappi},
year = 1997,
title = {{D}ifferent methods to segment biomedical images},
journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
volume = 18,
pages = {1125-1131},
theme = {segmentation+application}
author = {A. P. Witkin},
year = 1984,
title = {{S}cale space filtering: a new approach to multiscale description},
journal = {Image Understanding},
pages = {79-95},
theme = {segmentation+multiresolution}
author = {W.A. Wright},
year = 1989,
title = {A Markov Random Field Approach to Data Fusion and Colour
journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
pages = {144-150},
theme = {segmentation},
soustheme = {markov}
author = {S.C. Zhu and A. Yuille},
month = {September},
year = 1996,
title = {Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL
for Multiband Image Segmentation},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
volume = 18,
number = 9,
pages = {884-900},
theme = {segmentation+cooperation+region}
author = {S. Zucker},
year = 1976,
title = {Region growing~: childhood and adolescenece},
journal = {Computer Graphics and Image Processing},
volume = 5,
pages = {382-399},
theme = {segmentation}
author = {D. Zugaj and V. Lattuati},
year = 1998,
title = {A new approach of color images segmentation based on fusing region
and edge segmentations outputs},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = 31,
number = 2,
pages = {105--113},
theme = {segmentation+cooperation}
@Book{		  AFNOR89,
author = {AFNOR},
title = {Couleur {C}olorimétrie},
publisher = {Afnor},
year = {1989},
theme = {vision,colorimetrie,application}
@Book{		  Agoston87,
author = {G. A. Agoston},
title = {Color Theory and its Application in Art and Design},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1987},
series = {Optical Sciences},
theme = {vision,perception,primaires,systemesprimaires,systemesperceptuels}
@Article{        Albin02,
author = {S. Albin and G. Rougeron and B. Péroche and A. Trémeau},
title = {Quality Image Metrics for synthetic color images based on perceptual color differences},
journal = {textbf{IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}},
year = {2002},
volume = {11},
number = {9},
pages = {961--971},
month = {sept.},
theme = {vision,qualite,scene},
soustheme = {synthese}
author={P. G. J. Baren},
title={Contrast sensitivity of the human eye an its effects on image quality},
publisher={SPIE Press},
address={Bellingham, Washington},
theme = {vision,ecarts,qualite}
@Article{	  Barlow83,
author = {H. B. Barlow},
title = {Understanding natural vision},
journal = {Physical and Biological Processing of Images},
year = {1983},
volume = {11 of Springer Series in Information Sciences},
pages = {1--14},
theme = {vision,physiologie}
@Article{	  Benzecri92,
author = {J. P. Benzecri},
title = {Compression des images polychromes et sensibilit'e au
contraste chromatique},
journal = {Les cahiers de l'analyse des donn'ees},
year = {1992},
volume = {XVII},
number = {2},
pages = {241--254},
theme = {vision,ecarts}
author = {R. M. Boynton},
year = 1979,
title = {Human Color Vision},
publisher = {{H}olt and {R}inehart and {W}inston ({E}ds.)},
theme = {vision,perception}
author = {R. M. Boynton},
year = 1990,
title = {Human Color Perception},
edition = {In {K. N. L}eibovic ({E}d.), {S}cience of {V}ision},
chapter = 8,
pages = {211-253.},
publisher = {Springer, New York},
theme = {vision,perception}
@Article{	  Brown49,
author = {W. R. J. Brown and D. L. MacAdam },
title = {Visual sensitivities to combined chromaticity and
luminance differences},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1949},
volume = {39},
number = {10},
pages = {808--834},
theme = {vision,ecarts}
@Article{	  Buchsbaum80,
author = {G. Buchsbaum},
title = {A Spatial Processor Model For Object Colour Perception},
journal = {J. Franklin Inst.},
year = {1980},
volume = {310},
pages = {1--26},
theme = {visionperception}
@InProceedings{	  Buchsbaum83,
author = {G. Buchsbaum and A. Gottschalk},
title = {Trichromacy, opponent colours coding and optimum colour
information transmission in the retina},
booktitle = {Proc. of the Royal Society of London},
volume = {220},
year = {1983},
pages = {89--113},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception,trivariance}
@Article{	  Bumbaca87,
author = {F. Bumbaca and K. C. Smith},
title = {Design and Implementation of a Colour Vision Model for
Computer Vision Applications},
journal = {Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing},
year = {1987},
volume = {39},
pages = {226--245},
theme = {vision,physiologie,trivariance,primaires,espacescouleur,systemesprimaires,systemesperceptuels,perception,apparence}
@InProceedings{	  Burt88,
title = {Attention Mechanism for Vision in a Dynamic World},
author = {P. J. Burt},
booktitle = {ICPR},
pages = {977--987},
year = {1988},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Book{		  coul-Cal98,
author = {P. Callet},
title = {Couleur-lumi`ere couleur-mati`ere},
publisher = {Diderot ed.},
year = {1998},
series = {Arts et Sciences},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,scene},
soustheme = {synthese}
@TechReport{	  CIE71,
author = {CIE},
title = {Colorimetry},
institution = {Bureau Central de la CIE},
year = {1971},
number = {15},
theme = {vision,colorimetrie}
@TechReport{      CIE78,
author = {CIE},
title = {Recommendations on uniform color spaces, color difference equations,and psychometric terms},
institution = {Bureau Central de la CIE},
year = {1978},
number = {Supplement No.2 to CIE publication No.15},
theme = {vision,ecarts,apparence,scene,colorimetrie,primaires,systemesperceptuels}
@TechReport{	  CIE86,
author = {CIE},
title = {Colorimetry Official Recommendation of the International Commission on Illumination},
institution = {Bureau Central de la CIE},
year = {1986},
number = {15.2},
theme = {vision,colorimetrie}
@TechReport{	  CIE93,
author = {CIE},
title = {Parametric effects in colour-difference evaluation},
institution = {Bureau Central de la CIE},
year = {1993},
number = {101},
theme = {vision,ecarts,apparence,scene,colorimetrie,systemesperceptuels}
@TechReport{	  CIE94,
author = {CIE},
title = {A method of predicting corresponding colours under
different chromatic and illuminance adaptations},
institution = {Bureau central de la CIE},
year = {1994},
theme = {vision,ecarts,apparence,scene,colorimetrie,systemesperceptuels}
@TechReport{	  CIE95,
author = {CIE},
title = {Industrial colour-difference evaluation},
institution = {Bureau central de la CIE},
year = {1995},
theme = {vision,ecarts,apparence,scene,colorimetrie,systemesperceptuels}
author={S. Comes and B. Macq},
title={Human visual quality criterion},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing},
volume={SPIE 1360},
theme = {vision,qualite}
@Book{		  Daugman90,
author = {J. G. Daugman},
editor = {E. Schwartz},
title = {Computational neuroscience},
publisher = {MIT Press, Cambridge},
year = 1990,
theme = {vision}
@Article{	  Derrington84,
author = {A. M. Derrington and J. Krauskopf and P. Lennie},
title = {Chromatic Mechanisms in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of
journal = {J. Physiol.},
year = {1984},
volume = {357},
pages = {241--265},
theme = {vision,primaires,systemesprimaires}
@InProceedings{	  Derefeldt95,
author = {G. Derefeldt and J. P. Menu and T. Swartling},
title = {Cognitive Aspects of Color},
booktitle = {SPIE, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging},
volume = {2411},
year = {1995},
pages = {16--24},
theme = {vision,physiologie}
@Article{	  DZmura86,
author = {M. D'Zmura and P. Lennie},
title = {Mechanisms of color constancy},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1986},
volume = {3},
number = {10},
month = oct,
pages = {1662--1672},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
@Article{	  DZmura92,
author = {M. D'Zmura},
title = {Color constancy : surface color from changing
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1992},
volume = {9},
number = {3},
month = mar,
pages = {490--493},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
@InCollection{	  DZmura95,
author = {M. D'Zmura and G. Iverson and B. Singer},
title = {Probabilistic Color Constancy},
booktitle = {Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena},
publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates},
year = {1995},
pages = {187--202},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
@InBook{	  DZmura97,
author = {M. D'Zmura},
title = {Color contrast gain control},
publisher = {W. Backhaus and R. Kliegl and J. Werner (Eds.)},
year = {1997},
pages = {187--202},
note = {in press},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
author = {O.D. Faugeras},
year = 1979,
title = {Digital color image processing and psychophysics within the
framework of a human visual model},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
volume = 27,
number = 4,
pages = {380-393},
theme = {vision,analyse,primaires,systemesperceptuels}
@Article{	  Gershon85,
author = {R. Gershon},
title = {Aspects of Perception and Computation in Color Vision},
journal = {Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing},
year = 1985,
volume = {32},
pages = {244--277},
theme = {vision,primaires,systemesprimaires,physiologie,perception}
@Article{	  Grand49,
author = {Y. Le Grand},
title = {Les seuils differentiels de couleurs dans la theorie de
journal = {Revue d'optique},
year = {1949},
volume = {28},
pages = {261--278},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts}
@Article{	  Guth91,
author = {S. L. Guth},
title = {Model for color vision and light adaptation},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1991},
volume = {8},
number = {6},
month = jun,
pages = {976--993},
theme = {vision,perception,physiologie,apparence,scene}
@Article{	  Hateren93,
author = {J.H. Van Hateren},
title = {Spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity of early vision.},
journal = {Vision Research},
year = {1993},
volume = {33},
pages = {257--267},
theme = {vision,physiologie}
@Article{	  Hayden94,
author = {S. L. Hayden and D. P. Oulton},
title = {The quantification of small visual colour differences},
journal = {JSDC},
year = {1994},
volume = {110},
month = mar,
pages = {104--111},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts}
@Unpublished{	  Hon95,
author = {A. K. Hon and L. T. Maloney and M. S. Landy},
title = {The influence function for visual interpolation},
year = {1995},
note = {Net-Found},
theme = {vision,physiologie}
author = {R. W. G. Hunt},
year = 1991,
title = {Measuring Color},
edition = 2,
series = {Applied science and industrial technology},
publisher = {Ellis Horwood},
theme = {vision,trivariance,primaires,colorimetrie,application,apparence,scene}
@Article{	  Hun91-CRA,
author = {R. W. G. Hunt},
title = {Revised colour-appearance model for related and unrelated
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1991},
volume = {16},
number = {3},
month = jun,
pages = {146--165},
theme = {vision,apparence,scene}
@Article{	  Hurlbert88,
author = {A. C. Hurlbert and T. Poggio},
title = {Synthesizing a color algorithm from examples},
journal = {Science},
volume = 239,
pages = {482--485},
year = 1988,
theme = {vision}
@PhDThesis{	  Hurlbert89,
author = {A. C. Hurlbert},
title = {The Computation of Color},
school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
year = {1989},
theme = {vision}
@Book{		  Kowaliski90,
author = {P. Kowaliski},
title = {Vision et mesure de la couleur},
publisher = {Masson},
year = {1990},
series = {Physique fondamentale et appliquée},
edition = 2,
note = {actualisée par F. Viénot et R. Sève},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception,apparence,trivariance,primaires,systemesprimaires,colorimetrie}
@Article{	  Kuo95,
author = {W. G. Kuo and R. Luo and H. E. Bez},
title = {Various Chromatic-Adaptation Transformations Tested Using
New Colour Appearance Data in Textiles},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {1995},
volume = {20},
number = {5},
month = oct,
pages = {313--326},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence,ecarts,application}
author = {J. M. Lammens},
year = 1994,
title = {A Computational Model of Color Perception and Color Naming},
school = {State University of New York at Buffalo},
theme = {vision}
@Article{	  Land86-NAS,
author = {E. H. Land},
title = {An alternative technique for the computation of the
designator in the retinex theory of color vision},
journal = {Proceedings of National Academical Science},
volume = {83},
pages = {3078--3080},
year = {1986},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Article{	  Land86-VR,
author = {E. H. Land},
title = {Recent Advances in Retinex Theory},
journal = {Vision Research},
year = {1986},
volume = {26},
pages = {7--21},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Article{	  Land71,
author = {E. H. Land and J. J. McCann},
title = {Lightness and retinex theory},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
volume = {61},
pages = {1--11},
year = {1971},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Article{	  Lennie88,
author = {P. Lennie and M. D'Zmura},
title = {Mechanisms of Color Vision},
journal = {CRC Critical Reviews in Neurobiology},
year = {1988},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
pages = {333--400},
theme = {vision}
@Article{	  MacAdam42,
author = {D. L. MacAdam},
title = {Visual sensitivities to color differences in daylight},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1942},
volume = {32},
number = {5},
month = may,
pages = {247--274},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,colorimetrie}
@Book{		  MacAdam85,
author = {D. L. MacAdam},
title = {Color Measurement, theme and variation},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1985},
series = {Optical Sciences},
edition = {second revised},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,colorimetrie,primaires,espacescouleur,systemesperceptuels}
@PhDThesis{	  Maloney85,
author = {L. T. Maloney},
title = {Computational approaches to color constancy},
school = {Stanford University},
year = {1985},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
@Book{		  Marr82,
author = {D. Marr},
title = {Vision},
publisher = {W. H. Freeman and Company},
year = {1982},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@InProceedings{	  Mirmedhi98,
author = {M. Mirmedhi and M. Petrou},
title = {Perceptual versus gaussian smoothing for pattern-colour
booktitle = {{IASTED} International Conference on Signal and Image
year = {1998},
address = {Las Palmas},
month = feb,
pages = {136--139},
type-proc = {cong},
theme = {vision}
@Article{ Montag03,
author = {E. D. Montag and D. C. Wilber},
title = {A comparison of constant stimuli and gray-scale methods of color difference scaling},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {2003},
volume = {28},
number = {1},
pages = {36--44},
month = feb,
abstract = {Two psychophysical techniques, the method of constant stimuli and the gray-scale comparison method, were used to determine color tolerances for three different color centers in the hue, chroma, and lightness directions in CIELAB color space. The same color-difference pairs were used as the stimuli in both experiments. Although the results followed the same trends, they were different for the two techniques. Based on comparison of the validity and precision of the results, as well as the ease of implementation, use, and analysis, the method of constant stimuli is the preferable method. },
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts}
author={K. T. Mullen},
title={The contrast sensitivity of human colour vision to red-green and blue-yellow
chromatic gratings},
journal={Journal of Physiology},
theme = {vision}
author = {C.L. Novak and S.A. Shafer},
year = 1992,
title = {Color Vision},
edition = {In Shapiro, Stuart C., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Artificial
pages = {192-202.},
publisher = {Wiley-Interscience},
address = {New York},
theme = {vision}
@Book{		  Pirenne72,
author = {M. H. Pirenne and R. Crouzy},
title = {L'oeil et la vision},
publisher = {Gauthier-Villars Ed.},
year = {1972},
address = {Paris},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
author={A. B. Poirson and B. A. Wandell},
title={Appearance of colored patterns: pattern-color separability},
journal={Optics and Image Science},
theme = {vision,region}
author={A. B. Poirson and B. A. Wandell},
title={Pattern-color separable pathways predict sensitivity to simple colored patterns},
journal={Vision Research},
theme = {vision,region}
author={H. de Ridder and F. J. Blommaert and E. A. Fedorovskaya},
title={Naturalness and image quality: Chroma and hue variation in color images
of natural scenes},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital
Display VI},
address={San Jose, CA},
volume={SPIE 2411},
theme = {vision,qualite,perception}
@TechReport{	  Sallstrom73,
author = {P. S"allstr"om},
title = {Color And Physics : Some Remarks concerning The Physical
Aspects Of Human Colour Vision},
institution = {Un. Stockholm Inst. of Phys.},
year = {1973},
number = {09},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
author = "G. Sharma and J. H. Trussell",
title = "Digital Color Imaging",
journal = "IEEE Trans. on Image Processing",
volume = "6",
number = "7",
pages = "901-932",
year = "1997",
theme = {vision,perception,scene,trivariance,primaires}
@Article{	  Singer95,
author = {B. Singer and M. D'Zmura},
title = {Contrast gain control: A bilinear model for chromatic
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1995},
volume = {12},
pages = {667--685},
theme = {vision,scene,apparence}
@Article{	  Stockham72,
author = {T. G. Stockham},
title = {Image Processing in the Context of a Visual Model},
journal = {IEEE Proceedings},
volume = {60},
number = {7},
year = {1972},
month = jul,
pages = {828--842},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Article{	  Tremeau00,
author = {A. Trémeau and C. Charrier},
title = {Influence of chromatic changes on perception of
color image quality},
journal = {Color Research and Application},
year = {2000},
volume = {25},
number = {3},
pages = {200--213},
month = {june},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,scene,apparence,qualite,analyse,attributs,comparaison}
author={K. K. de Valois and M. A. Webster and E. Switkes},
title={Orientation and spatial-frequency discrimination for luminance and chromatic gratings},
journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,frequentiel}
@Book{		  Valois90OUP,
author = {R. de Valois and K. de Valois},
title = {Spatial Vision},
publisher = {Oxford university press},
year = {1990},
series = {Oxford Psychology Series 14},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
@Book{		  Wandell95,
author = {B. A. Wandell},
title = {Foundations of Vision},
publisher = {Sinauer Associates},
year = {1995},
address = {Sunderland, Massachusetts},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
author={A.B. Watson},
title={Perceptual-components architecture for digital video},
journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America},
theme = {vision}
@Book{		  Watson93,
author = {A. B. Watson},
title = {Digital Image and Human Vision},
publisher = {MIT Press},
year = {1993},
theme = {vision,physiologie,perception}
author={A. B. Watson and R. Borthwick and M. Taylor},
title={Image quality and entropy masking},
booktitle={Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital
Display VIII},
address={San Jose, CA},
volume={SPIE 3016},
theme = {vision,qualite,compression}
title={Issues in vision modeling for perceptual video quality assessment},
journal={Signal Processing},
theme = {vision,analyse,qualite,dispositifs,video}
author = {S. Winkler},
month = {Décembre},
year = 2000,
title = {Vision models and quality metrics for image processing applications},
number = {2313},
school = {EPFL},
theme = {vision,analyse,qualite}
@InProceedings{	  Wolf94,
author = {S. G. Wolf and R. Ginosar and Y. Y. Zeevi},
title = {Spatio-Chromatic Model for Colour Image Processing},
booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings},
year = {1994},
pages = {599--601},
theme = {vision}
@Article{	  Wright41,
author = {W. D. Wright},
title = {The sensitivity of the eye to small colour differences},
journal = {Proceedings of Physical Society},
year = {1941},
volume = {53},
number = {2},
pages = {93--112},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,colorimetrie}
@Article{	  Wyszecki71,
author = {G. Wyszecki and G. H. Fielder},
title = {New Color-Matching Ellipses},
journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America},
year = {1971},
volume = {61},
number = {9},
month = sep,
pages = {1135--1152},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,colorimetrie}
@Book{		  coul-WysSti82,
author = {G. Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles},
title = {Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and
publisher = {John Wiley & sons},
year = {1982},
edition = {second},
theme = {vision,perception,ecarts,apparence,colorimetrie,primaires,systemesprimaires,systemesperceptuels}