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pyramid Class Reference

#include <pyramid.hh>

Collaboration diagram for pyramid:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  construction
 Enum used to determine if the map of the base must be implicit or explicit. More...

Public Methods

 pyramid (int dimx, int dimy, value_set &val, construction c=explicit_base)

 pyramid (char *, construction c=explicit_base)

 pyramid (ifstream &, construction c=explicit_base)

 ~pyramid ()

void compute_level (kernel &)
 Fonction to generate one level of the pyramid.

void compute_pyramid (kernel &)
 Fonction to generate all the level of the pyramid.

int save (const char *)
 Save pyramid into a flow.

void give_combinatorial_map (int, combinatorial_map &)
 Compute the combinatorial map of one level of the pyramid.

int give_max_level ()
 Give the maximum level of the pyramid.

dart give_alpha_base (dart d)
 Give the alpha of the dart on the base map.

dart give_sigma_base (dart d)
 Give the sigma of the dart on the base map.

move_type give_move_base (dart d)
 Give the move of the dart on the base map.

int give_level (dart d)
 Give the max level of the dart d.

void give_pointel (dart d, point &p)
 Give the departure point of the dart.

void give_pixel (dart d, point &p)
 Give the initial pixel of the vertex describe by the dart in the base map.

int compute_index_orientation (dart d1, dart d2)
 Function that compute the variation of orientation between two darts orientation.

dart_iterator & first_dart (int l)
 Give an iterator positionned on the first dart of the level_set for the given level.

dart_iterator & begin_dart (int l)
 Give an iterator positionned on the first dart of the given level.

dart_iterator & end_dart (int l)
 Give an iterator positionned after the last dart of the given level (loop : for(i=level_set.first();i<level.end();i++).

dart_iterator & last_dart (int l)
 Give an iterator positionned on the last dart of the given level (loop : for(i=level_set.first();i<=level.last();i++).

int give_width ()
 Give the width of the base of the pyramid.

int give_height ()
 Give the height of the base of the pyramid.

dart give_next_border_dart (dart, int)
 Fonction to compute the next dart of the border for the given dart of the given level;.

Detailed Description

Class that will manage the combinatorial pyramid

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum pyramid::construction

Enum used to determine if the map of the base must be implicit or explicit.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pyramid::pyramid int    dimx,
int    dimy,
value_set   val,
construction    c = explicit_base


pyramid::pyramid char *   ,
construction    c = explicit_base


pyramid::pyramid ifstream &   ,
construction    c = explicit_base




Member Function Documentation

dart_iterator& pyramid::begin_dart int    l [inline]

Give an iterator positionned on the first dart of the given level.

int pyramid::compute_index_orientation dart    d1,
dart    d2

Function that compute the variation of orientation between two darts orientation.

void pyramid::compute_level kernel  

Fonction to generate one level of the pyramid.

void pyramid::compute_pyramid kernel  

Fonction to generate all the level of the pyramid.

dart_iterator& pyramid::end_dart int    l [inline]

Give an iterator positionned after the last dart of the given level (loop : for(i=level_set.first();i<level.end();i++).

dart_iterator& pyramid::first_dart int    l [inline]

Give an iterator positionned on the first dart of the level_set for the given level.

dart pyramid::give_alpha_base dart    d [inline]

Give the alpha of the dart on the base map.

void pyramid::give_combinatorial_map int   ,

Compute the combinatorial map of one level of the pyramid.

int pyramid::give_height   [inline]

Give the height of the base of the pyramid.

int pyramid::give_level dart    d [inline]

Give the max level of the dart d.

int pyramid::give_max_level  

Give the maximum level of the pyramid.

move_type pyramid::give_move_base dart    d [inline]

Give the move of the dart on the base map.

dart pyramid::give_next_border_dart dart   ,

Fonction to compute the next dart of the border for the given dart of the given level;.

void pyramid::give_pixel dart    d,
point &    p

Give the initial pixel of the vertex describe by the dart in the base map.

void pyramid::give_pointel dart    d,
point &    p

Give the departure point of the dart.

dart pyramid::give_sigma_base dart    d [inline]

Give the sigma of the dart on the base map.

int pyramid::give_width   [inline]

Give the width of the base of the pyramid.

dart_iterator& pyramid::last_dart int    l [inline]

Give an iterator positionned on the last dart of the given level (loop : for(i=level_set.first();i<=level.last();i++).

int pyramid::save const char *   

Save pyramid into a flow.

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Generated on Tue Jun 24 14:58:51 2003 for Combinatorial Pyramids by doxygen1.2.18