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- Office:
- GreyC
- 6 Boulevard Maréchal Juin
- 14050 Caen ( France)
- Tel:
- 33
- Email:
- Research team
- Image
- Research areas (chronological order):
- Color, Quantization,
- Segmentation,
- Combinatorial maps,
- Pyramidal data structures.
- Metrics on graphs (Graph kernels, Graph edit Distance)
- Combinatorial pyramids
One implementation
- Segmentation Software:
- Some small but useful image applications
- Some small but useful applications not connected to image.
- Teaching activities mainly performed in the majeure Image of my school of engineer : ENSICAEN.
- A list of my publications.
Send me an email to obtain a paper.
- Phd Students I supervised
- Some presentations
- Big documents in french:
- my PhD thesis PhD thesis compressed ps format
- My HDR pdf format
- My HDR compressed ps format
- The IAPR TC15 Web site
- Click
here to obtain a localization of all IAPR societies.