List of the Phd Students, I supervised
- Laurent Hussenet
- September 1999/December, 14 2002
- From Image analysis to 3D reconstruction: Application to the control of metallic object
- not available
- not available
- Assistant Professor
- Jerome Lebosse
- September 2004/May 2009
- Audio Fingerprint to control the use of audio documents
- Ingeneer in computer Science
- Jean Hugues Pruvot
- September 2005/2008
- Hierarchichal Segmentation and matching based of Combinatorial Pyramids
- Head of a spin off of the University
- Haz Edine Assemlal
- September 2006/January 11, 2010
- Processing and analysis of MRI Diffusion images to estimate the local architecture of tissues.
- David Tschumperlé
- Not available
- Research ingineer at NeuroRx (CA)
- Francois Xavier Dupé
- September 2006/January, 25 2010
- Restauration and shape recognition within images corrupted by Poisson Noise: Application to the analysis of neurons on confocal images
- Jalal Fadili
- Assistant professor
- Romain Goffe
- January 2007/September, 14 2011
- Pyramides irrégulières descendantes pour la segmentation de grandes images histologiques
- Guillaume Damiand
- Research engineer
- Benoit Gauzere
- September 2011 /December 2013
- Application des méthodes à noyaux sur graphes pour la prédiction des propriétés des molécules.
- Didier Villemin
- not available
- Post Doc at MIVIA Lab (Salerno, Italy) then Assistant Professor at INSA of Rouen
- Alessia Saggese
- September 2012 /Février 2014
- Detecting and indexing moving objects for behavior analysis by video and audio interpretation.
- Mario Vento
- not available
- Assistant professor at the University of Salerno
- Pierre-Anthony Grenier
- September 2012 /Novembre 2015
- Modélisation de la stéréochimie : une application à la chémoinformatique .
- Co owner of a startup, ingineer at IT Link compagny
- Vicenzo Carletti
- September 2013 /April 2015
- Exact and Inexact Methods for Graph Similarity in Structural Pattern Recognition
- Mario Vento
- Post Doc at MIVIA Lab(Salerno)
- Youssef El Rhabi
- January 2014 /Juin 2017
- Alignement de données 2D, 3D et applications en réalité augmentée
- Josep Llados Canet, CVC Laboratory
- Research Engineer at Dassault.